Fue agregado el 30 de Enero de 2017.
We've got a real treat in store for PvMers this week. Get ready to fight Nex with the full power of the ancient elements at her disposal and claim some fantastic new rewards.
Are you ready to face the Angel of Death?
Use the Frozen Key to enter the Ancient Prison in the God Wars Dungeon.
Enter the bank/lobby area with a Zarosian killcount of at least 40, or wearing ancient ceremonial robes.
Enter the hidden door on the south wall of the bank/lobby area.
RuneScape membership
60 Agility
60 Strength
High combat levels and your best gear are recommended
Tool up, gather your friends and head over to the Ancient Prison to face Nex in this all-new boss encounter.
We wanted this to feel like the classic boss fights you remember, so there's no 10-player cap or kill chaining here. Create or join an instance with your tight-knit bossing group, or a full-on mass – your choice.
From then on, you're on your own. Have fun discovering what Nex is capable of now that her power is fully unleashed.
New curses, battle robe overrides and swathes of ancient lore are all up for grabs should you succeed. There's more to discover, too, so take down the Angel of Death and load up on rich rewards.
Big thanks to Mod Ramen, who led the design and development of today's update in his personal-projects time.
Have fun conquering the latest brutal boss encounter!
The RuneScape Team
Read the patch notes for further details of today's updates.
Each week we live stream Q&As, in-game events and more. Watch our streams and find a full streaming schedule over on our Twitch channel. Check our YouTube channel, too, for previous streams.
Nex: Angel of Death is the start of a series of interesting, dev-led projects coming your way in the next few months.
Tune into the Q&A on Tuesday to find out more about what we’ve got planned (including information about the 15-year veteran’s cape, Double XP Weekend, Game Jam and loads of other good stuff)!
Want your question asked? Use the #RSQA hashtag on Twitter, head to our forums, or to Reddit to post it.
Watch from 17:00 Game Time.
Mod Shauny will be back and showcasing some of the updates you’ve got to look forward to next week.
Get your weekly dose of PvM goodness with Mod Lee – don’t miss it!
Mod Wolf is taking over the RuneScape Snapchat account for the day – check out a day in his life working at Jagex, and all about life in our QA team this Thursday!