
Pinottavat tavarat ovat tavaroita, jotka vievät vain yhden tilan pelaajan repusta riippumatta tavaran määrästä. Pinottavilla tavaroilla ei tarkoiteta kuitattuja tavaroita. Pinottavat tavarat eivät paina mitään, eikä niitä voi ottaa pankista kuitattuun muotoon.

Kuvia pinottavista tavaroista[]

Nimi Kuva Vaihtuu
10th anniversary candles 10th anniversary candles Tiedosto:10th anniversary candles2.png Tiedosto:10th anniversary candles3.png Tiedosto:10th anniversary candles4.png Tiedosto:10th anniversary candles5.png 1,2,3,4,5
Nuolet Bronze arrow 1 Bronze arrow 2 Bronze arrow 3 Bronze arrow 4 Bronze arrow 5 1,2,3,4,5
Nuolen päät Bronze arrowheads 1 Bronze arrowheads 2 Bronze arrowheads 3 Bronze arrowheads 4 Bronze arrowheads 5 1,2,3,4,5
Nuolen varret Arrow shaft 1 Arrow shaft 2 Arrow shaft 3 Arrow shaft 4 Arrow shaft 5 1,2,3,4,5
Keksit Biscuits 1 Biscuits 2 Biscuits 3 Biscuits 4 Biscuits 5 Biscuits 10 Biscuits 25 Biscuits 100 1,2,3,4,5,10,25,100
Boltit Bronze bolts 1 Bronze bolts 2 Bronze bolts 3 Bronze bolts 4 Bronze bolts 5 1,2,3,4,5
Juhlakynttilät Celebration candles 1 Celebration candles 2 Celebration candles 3 Celebration candles 4 Celebration candles 5 1,2,3,4,5
Kaaospiikit Chaotic spike 1 Chaotic spike 2 Chaotic spike 3 Chaotic spike 4 Chaotic spike 5 1,2,3,4,5
Charm slicet Mystical charm slice 1 Mystical charm slice 2 Mystical charm slice 3 Mystical charm slice 4 Mystical charm slice 5 1,2,3,4,5
Kolikot Coins 1 Coins 2 Coins 3 Coins 4 Coins 5 Coins 25 Coins 100 Coins 250 Coins 1000 Coins 10000 1,2,3,4,5,25,100,250,1000,10000
Divination energia Vibrant energy 1 Vibrant energy 10 Vibrant energy 100 Vibrant energy 500 Vibrant energy 1000 1,10,100,500,1000
Eagle featherit Eagle feather 1 Eagle feather 2 Eagle feather 3 Eagle feather 4 1,2,3,4
Ecto-tokenit Ecto-token 1 Ecto-token 2 Ecto-token 3 1,2,3
Firecrackerit Firecracker 1 Firecracker 3 Firecracker 5 1,3,5
Grenwall spikesit Grenwall spikes 1 Grenwall spikes 2 Grenwall spikes 3 Grenwall spikes 4 Grenwall spikes 5 1,2,3,4,5
Päättömät nuolet Headless arrow 1 Headless arrow 2 Headless arrow 3 Headless arrow 4 Headless arrow 5 1,2,3,4,5
Oglerootit Ogleroot 1 Ogleroot 2 Ogleroot 3 Ogleroot 4 Ogleroot 5 1,2,3,4,5
Pieces of eight Pieces of eight 1 Pieces of eight 2 Pieces of eight 3 1,2,3
Purple sweets Purple sweets 1 Purple sweets 2 Purple sweets 3 Purple sweets 4 Purple sweets 5 Purple sweets 10 Purple sweets 25 Purple sweets 100 1,2,3,4,5,10,25,100
Runecrafting guild tokenit Runecrafting guild token 1 Runecrafting guild token 2 Runecrafting guild token 3 Runecrafting guild token 4 Runecrafting guild token 5 1,2,3,4,5
Rune dust (Runespan) Rune dust (Runespan) 1 Rune dust (Runespan) 25 Rune dust (Runespan) 75 Rune dust (Runespan) 125 Rune dust (Runespan) 175 1,3,25,75,125,175
Rune essence

Vain kehitettäessä Dungeoneeringia.

Tiedosto:Rune essence 1.png Tiedosto:Rune essence 100.png Tiedosto:Rune essence 250.png 1,100,250
Ruosteiset kolikot Rusty coins 1 Rusty coins 2 Rusty coins 3 Rusty coins 4 Rusty coins 5 Rusty coins 25 Rusty coins 100 Rusty coins 250 Rusty coins 1000 Rusty coins 10000 1,2,3,4,5,25,100,250,1000,10000
Siemenet Strawberry seed 1 Strawberry seed 2 Strawberry seed 3 Strawberry seed 4 Strawberry seed 5 1,2,3,4,5
Stardust Stardust 1 Stardust 25 Stardust 75 Stardust 125 Stardust 175 1,25,75,125,175
Tokkulit Tokkul 1 Tokkul 2 Tokkul 3 Tokkul 4 Tokkul 5 Tokkul 25 1,2,3,4,5,25
Trading sticks Trading sticks 1 Trading sticks 10 Trading sticks 100 Trading sticks Trading sticks 1000 1,10,100,1000
Keskeneräiset boltit Unfinished broad bolts 1 Unfinished broad bolts 2 Unfinished broad bolts 3 Unfinished broad bolts 4 Unfinished broad bolts 5 1,2,3,4,5
Warrior guild tokenit

Poistettu pelistä.

Warrior guild token 1 Warrior guild token 2 Warrior guild token 3 Warrior guild token 4 Warrior guild token 5 1,2,3,4,5
Woad leafit Woad leaf 1 Woad leaf 2 Woad leaf 3 Woad leaf 4 Woad leaf 5 1,2,3,4,5