RuneScape Wiki

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/* CSS colocado aqui irá ser aplicado a todos os temas. Veja também: [[MediaWiki:Monobook.css]] e [[MediaWiki:Wikia.css]] */

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/* Substituto para 'Trajan Pro'
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 * Reduce font size
 * Essentially, uses:
 * <>
 * instead of:
 * <>
 * margin/padding/width not changed as they didn't seem to improve anything when altered
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       don't load on special:search/css
       causes another bug to show up in special:css with blockquote, but that's wikia's problem not ours
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/* Corrige as sombras cortadas nas thumbnails nas categorias */
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/* Estilo personalizado aos artigos relacionados/recomendados */
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/* Polls */
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/* Estilo CSS da Página principal */
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/* Secção de parceiros na mainpage */
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/* Eventos */
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/* Estiliza todas as tabelas com a classe 'wikitable' */
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/* Usado em {{Bônus}} */
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/* table alignment help */
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table.align-center-8 td:nth-of-type(8),
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/* left */
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/* Usado em Predefinição:Missões_necessárias */
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/* Colocar imagens com cantos arredondandos */
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/* Lista de referência mais pequena */
ol.references {

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/* Usado em Predefinição:Citação */
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/* Usado em Predefinição:Gifresize */
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/* Estilo da Navbox (usado em [[Predefinição:Navbox]]) */
/* [[Template:Navbox]] and wide variant */
/* Default skin for navigation boxes. */
/* Navbox style */
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/* Faz com que navboxes adjacentes fiquem quadradas. */
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table.navbox + table.navbox .navbox-group,
table.navbox.quadrado .navbox-title {
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/* single pixel border between adjacent navboxes */
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/* Background color */
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/* Title style, footer style
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/* Group style
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/* Level 2 color */
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/* Level 3 color */
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/* Uses a new display method to align all items */
/* For information on how to use CSS flex, see: */
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/* image background */
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table.filehistory button img,
#file button img {
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/* Allowing [[Template:Extimage]] to resize images properly */
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/* For expand/collapse link on navboxes */
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/* Predefinições de Messagebox (ex: {{Em construção}}, {{Limpeza}}, {{Esboço}} */
/* Messageboxes */
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.messagebox .desc {
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.messagebox.obsoleto   { border-left: 15px solid #274982 }       { border-left: 15px solid #274982 }
.messagebox.esboco     { border-left: 15px solid #274982 }
.messagebox.acao       { border-left: 15px solid #274982 }
.messagebox.file       { border-left: 15px solid #274982 }
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/* Disambig. */
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/* Fundo para mostrar a tranparência nas páginas das imagens. */
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table.filehistory button img,#file button img {

/* Mark redirects in Special:AllPages and Special:Watchlist */
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/* Make the AJAX checkbox not affect the page header's underline onload */
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/* Hides configuration sections for dynamic templates (e.g. calculators). */
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/* Allow limit parameter to work on [[Template:ToC]] */
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.toclimit-3 .toclevel-3,
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/* Correções para a predefinição [[Predefinição:POH]] */
.poh-image-upper img {

.poh-image-lower img {

.normal-POH {

.boldlinks a {

 * Details: Temporary until proper skin css is called correctly.
.ns-112.TOCimprovements .WikiaPage .WikiaMainContent #WikiaPageHeader .wikia-menu-button,.ns-112.TOCimprovements .WikiaPage .WikiaMainContent #WikiaPageHeader .wikia-button {

/* Remove large gaps around bolded lines (;) */
.WikiaArticle dl {

/* easier to center things */

.center table,{
margin:0 auto

.right table {

.left table {

/* [[Predefinição:Alterar Infobox]] */
 * Alterar Infobox -- Permite múltiplas infoboxes serem alteradas.
 * Predefinição necessária:ção:Alterar_Infobox
 * Script necessário:
/* Slight style changes to the switch triggers */
.switch-infobox-triggers {
	width: 35%;
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	margin-left: 1em;
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	font-weight: normal;

/* Fixes a weird bug with the MW parser that creates lots of blank paragraphs */
.switch-infobox > p, .switch-infobox-triggers > p {
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.switch-infobox > p:first-child, .switch-infobox-triggers > p:first-child {
	display: block;

/* Only show the item that the user has toggled to */
.switch-infobox > .item {
	display: none;
.switch-infobox > .item.showing {
	display: block;
/* Only show the loading button if the switch infobox is still loading */
.switch-infobox > .switch-infobox-triggers > .loading-button {
	display: none;
.switch-infobox.loading > .switch-infobox-triggers > .loading-button {
	display: block;

/* Only show the switch triggers if the switch infobox is finished loading */
.switch-infobox.loading > .switch-infobox-triggers > .trigger {
	display: none;

/* Stops button titles splitting with multiple words */
.trigger.button {
	white-space: pre;
	margin: 1px;

.inventárioTabela {
background-position:top left;
padding:15px 23px!important;

.inventárioTabela tr {

.inventárioTabela td {

/* Para Predefinição:Inventário */
.inventárioFundo {
padding:12px 13px 11px;

.desambiguacao, .redirect {
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/* Novas infoboxes */
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.infobox-panel td {
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.infobox-panel .clear-th,
.infobox-missao .clear-th {

/* Permite alinhar bullet-points com a descrição do lado esquerdo */
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.infobox-missao {
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.infobox-missao .header {
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.infobox-missao > tbody > tr > th {
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/* Usado em Predefinição:Monstro */
.infobox-panel .header-ataque,
.infobox-panel .header-ataque-sub,
.infobox-panel .header-defesa,
.infobox-panel .header-defesa-sub {
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.infobox-panel .header-ataque,
.infobox-panel .header-defesa {
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.infobox-panel .header-ataque {
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.infobox-panel .header-ataque-sub {
	background-color: #ECCCC6;
.infobox-panel .header-defesa {
	background-color: #438AB5;
.infobox-panel .header-defesa-sub {
	background-color: #C1DEED;

.seealso {
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    font-style: italic;

/* Usado em Predefinição:Documentação */

.documentacao {
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} {
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} a, a:visited, a:active {
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.documentation {
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.documentation .doc-header {
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.documentation .doc-title {
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.documentation .doc-editlinks {
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.documentation .doc-transclusion {
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.documentation a,
.documentation a:visited,
.documentation a:active {
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.WikiaPageHeader .wikia-button.createpage {
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/* Usado na Predefinição:ND */
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/* Usado na Predefinição:SimT */
.table-sim {
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    text-align: center;
    cursor: default;
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/* Usado na Predefinição:NãoT */
.table-nao {
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.dialogo {
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.transcrição {
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.ns-116 .mw-content-text,
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.transcrição > ul,
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.transcrição > ul ul li:hover li {
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.ns-116 .mw-content-text > ul li:hover li:hover,
.transcrição > ul li:hover li:hover,
.ns-116 .mw-content-text > ul ul li:hover li:hover,
.transcrição > ul ul li:hover li:hover,
.ns-116 .mw-content-text > ul li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover,
.transcrição > ul li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover,
.ns-116 .mw-content-text > ul ul li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover,
.transcrição > ul ul li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover,
.ns-116 .mw-content-text > ul li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover,
.transcrição > ul li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover,
.ns-116 .mw-content-text > ul ul li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover,
.transcrição > ul ul li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover,
.ns-116 .mw-content-text > ul li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover,
.transcrição > ul li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover,
.ns-116 .mw-content-text > ul ul li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover,
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.ns-116 .mw-content-text > ul li:hover li:hover li:hover,
.transcrição > ul li:hover li:hover li:hover,
.ns-116 .mw-content-text > ul ul li:hover li:hover li:hover,
.transcrição > ul ul li:hover li:hover li:hover,
.ns-116 .mw-content-text > ul li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover,
.transcrição > ul li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover,
.ns-116 .mw-content-text > ul ul li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover,
.transcrição > ul ul li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover,
.ns-116 .mw-content-text > ul li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover,
.transcrição > ul li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover,
.ns-116 .mw-content-text > ul ul li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover,
.transcrição > ul ul li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover li:hover {
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.vejatambem {
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.vejatambem + .vejatambem {
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/* Usado no botão de convite para o canal do Discord */
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/* Discord banner na mainpage */
/* Remove o ícone das ligações externas */
.RSWGuide a.external::after {
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/* Adiciona efeito de onmouseover */
.RSWDiscord a:hover span {
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.RSWFacebook a:hover span {
    background-color: #224389 !important;
/* Status de on e off para tabelas*/
.status-active {
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.status-active a {
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.status-inactive {
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.status-inactive a {
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/* **************************
   ************************** */
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/* RuneScape Wiki */
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/* Old School RuneScape Wiki */
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/* Wikipedia */
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blockquote.block {
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blockquote.quote.fmod {
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/* Portais */

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/* Sugestões de aparatos */
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/* Moedas */

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/* Barras de velocidade */

.attack-speed {
    max-width: 150px;
    line-height: 1.3em;
    display: block;
    text-align: center;
.attack-speed b {
    width: 100%;
    background-color: #dedede;
    box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), inset 0 -1px 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
    display: block;
    border-radius: 2.5px;
    height: 5px;
.attack-speed b::after {
    border-radius: 2.5px;
    height: 5px;
    content: "";
    background-color: #999999;
    display: inline-block;
    width: 0%;
    float: left;
    box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3), inset 0 -1px 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
.attack-speed.arma {
    max-width: 150px;
.attack-speed.arma b {
    background-color: #c6dce8;
.attack-speed.arma b::after {
    background-color: #438ab5;
.attack-speed.monstro {
    max-width: 123px;
.attack-speed.monstro b {
    background-color: #ecccc6;
.attack-speed.monstro b::after {
    background-color: #861c10;
.attack-speed.arma.maisrapida b::after {
    width: 100%;

.attack-speed.arma.mais_rápida b::after {
    width: 100%;

.attack-speed.arma.rapida b::after {
    width: 80%;

.attack-speed.arma.rápida b::after {
    width: 100%;
} b::after {
    width: 60%;
.attack-speed.arma.média b::after {
    width: 60%;
.attack-speed.arma.lenta b::after {
    width: 40%;
.attack-speed.arma.maislenta b::after {
    width: 20%;
.attack-speed.arma.mais_lenta b::after {
    width: 20%;
.attack-speed.monstro.t1 b::after {
    width: 100%;
.attack-speed.monstro.t2 b::after {
    width: 90%;
.attack-speed.monstro.t3 b::after {
    width: 80%;
.attack-speed.monstro.t4 b::after {
    width: 70%;
.attack-speed.monstro.t5 b::after {
    width: 60%;
.attack-speed.monstro.t6 b::after {
    width: 50%;
.attack-speed.monstro.t7 b::after {
    width: 40%;
.attack-speed.monstro.t8 b::after {
    width: 30%;
.attack-speed.monstro.t9 b::after {
    width: 20%;
.attack-speed.monstro.t10 b::after {
    width: 10%;

A ordem pela qual os nomes aparecem determina a que título esse nome possui.
Um usuário será marcado pela última entrada nesta lista, independemente do número de entradas que tiver.   

Uma conta será marcada com a última designação nesta lista que pode ser:
* Helpers
* Burocratas
* Administradores
* Bots

Tenta manter estas listas organizadas por ordem alfabética. 

/* Helpers */

/* Burocratas */
a[href="/wiki/Utilizador:MaximusGugu"] { color:#FAB402 !important; }

/* Administradores */
a[href="/wiki/Utilizador:Palito55"] { color:#F96902 !important; }

/* Moderadores */
a[href="/wiki/Utilizador:Niinaxd"] { color:#0099ff !important; }

/* Bots/AWB */
a[href="/wiki/Utilizador:WikiaBot"] { color:#00cc33 !important; }