15 Year is an emote unlocked during the 15 Year Anniversary Celebrations after collecting 12 statues. It has 15 variations, which are cycled through sequentially when the emote is used. To use a specific one, players may right-click the icon.
Each emote represents the year it's named after, and shows parts of notable updates released in that year.
The emotes contain several inaccuracies. Imps appeared as miniature lesser demons in 2001, the King Black Dragon had only 1 head in 2002, and the dwarf multicannon had 8 barrels in 2003. Even dismissing RuneScape Classic models as a possibility, giant rats and the King Black Dragon did not use their current model when RuneScape 2 was released, and the Kalphite Queen had a different model in 2004. The 2005 emote contains the most recent Ice Barrage animation rather than the original, and also uses the RSHD model for abyssal demons.
King Arthur appears in the 2003 emote, but is only referenced in that year during Murder Mystery and Underground Pass, and doesn't actually make appearances in them. He was added to RuneScape the year before, on 27 February2002. He also did not use the model he uses in the emote until 2006.
The Ahrim's set in the 2005 emote has a different shade for the sleeves and hood than the original. This was changed on 14 March2016.
The 2006 emote features an Ivandis flail instead of a Rod of Ivandis, only the latter of which was released in 2006. The flail was released on 22 April2008.
Durial321 wore a green partyhat during the Falador Massacre, rather than a red one as shown in the 2006 emote. This was changed on 14 March2016.
The 2012 emote uses the modern appearance of Tetsu equipment, which did not debut until January2013. The original outfit could not have been obtained at the time, though, due to the time barrier in the minigame.