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2014 Thanksgiving event
2014 Thanksgiving event
Release date 27 November 2014 (Update)
End date 30 November 2014 (Update)
Head developer Unknown
Preceded by 2013 Thanksgiving event
Succeeded by 2015 Thanksgiving event
Audio options icon
2014 Thanksgiving event jingle
The jingle for finding the 10th and 20th turkey.

The 2014 Thanksgiving event was the 2014 Thanksgiving holiday event, released on 27 November and continued through the end of the Thanksgiving weekend.

During the event, the player had to find turkeys around Gielinor, in a similar manner to Penguin Hide and Seek and the 2008 Thanksgiving event. Ten turkeys were available to free players and another 10 available to members. Tracking down 10 turkeys unlocked "the Thanksgiver" title as well as the Thanksgiving crest for the Herald cape (if not previously unlocked), and tracking down all 20 awarded the player with a large XP lamp as well as the Mackers pet (if not previously obtained).

To start the event, players could talk to the Cook's brother in Lumbridge Castle (although it was not necessary) to receive a turkey book from him, which recorded the turkeys found by the player so far.

Turkey locations[]

Turkeys had a small wander radius and showed up as yellow dots on the minimap.


Turkey Location Disguise Examine
Balance Al Kharid city, near the musician and gnome glider pilot. Cactus If Guthix had a turkey, this would be him.
JD 2nd3rd floor[UK], near the bank in the Lumbridge Castle Crate Level 3. And not levelling up any time soon.
Jon Eastern Varrock, by the tea stall Bush Tea is within his grasp!
Mark Far south-east of Daemonheim castle (south-east of Marmaros, down the stairs, near the fish statue) Rock W00ters out!
Maz Southern Falador, near the chainbody shop Bush Is that a turkey or a squirrel?
Michelle Upstairs in the building north of Edgeville bank Crate Attempting a crate escape!
Moltare North of Lumbridge Crater, by the gorillas Bush The world's number one turkey tenor.
Neena Mudskipper Point, by the fairy ring (AIQ) Rock Do you wanna pizza me?
Osborne 2nd3rd floor[UK] of Wizards' Tower Barrel Human-elf-turkey-thing!
Pips Northern Burthorpe, in the building south of Carwen Essencebinder Bush Doesn't drop checked shirts.


Turkey Location Disguise Examine
Ana In the Haunted Woods (south of the musician and farm west of Port Phasmatys), by the fairy ring (ALQ) Toadstool Teenage mutant ninja turkey.
Asherz Death's office Crate Finely treading the line between life and death.
Boko By Menaphos' gate Cactus Trust Boko to be lost in the desert. #BlameBoko!
Cuppa Inside the Tree Gnome Village maze, western side (enter from southeast entrance, then run northwest) Bush Milk and two sugars.
Infinity North of Rellekka's longhall Rock He's stuck in a loop.
Jane South of the Karamja lodestone, near the musician Bush Is that a turkey, or a rubber chicken?
Kalaya Ardougne Market Barrel This Zarosian turkey looks disturbingly evil.
Mac Catherby, near the beehives and Flax Area Bush Eat 'em up!
MattHe Tree Gnome Stronghold, south-west of the elder tree Bush Would you dare ask him about clans?
Timbo Near the anvils south of Yanille bank Toadstool It's going down. They are yelling 'Timbo'!
Turkeys in disguises
A turkey in a barrel A turkey in a bush A turkey in a cactus A turkey in a crate A turkey in a rock A turkey in a toadstool
Barrel Bush Cactus Crate Rock Toadstool

