RuneScape Wiki
2015 Thanksgiving event
2015 Thanksgiving event
Release date 26 November 2015 (Update)
End date 1 December 2015 (Update)
Emote Give Thanks
Head developer Unknown
Preceded by 2014 Thanksgiving event
Succeeded by 2016 Thanksgiving event

The 2015 Thanksgiving event was a holiday event where players find turkeys around Gielinor, in a manner similar to Penguin Hide and Seek.

Ten turkeys are available to free players and another 10 available to members. Tracking down 10 turkeys unlocks "the Thanksgiver" title, the Turkey drumstick cosmetic weapon override, the turkey herald cape crest, and the Give Thanks emote. Tracking down all 20 awards the player with a large XP lamp and the Mackers pet (if not previously obtained).

To start the event, players can talk to the Cook's brother in Lumbridge Castle to receive a turkey book from him, which records the turkeys found by the player.

In order to receive the rewards players must speak to the Cook's brother again after finding the relevant number of turkeys.

Turkey locations[]

Turkeys have a small wander radius and show up as yellow dots on the minimap.


Turkey Turkey book hint Location Disguise
Timbo Somewhere in Varrock. Wandering around the south-west of Varrock's west bank. Bush
Balance A city in the desert. To the east of the Al Kharid plateleg shop. Cactus
JD Stuck upstairs somewhere in Lumbridge. Lumbridge, upstairs in house north of furnace; north-east of combat academy bank chest. Crate
Mark Infiltrating the Black Knights At the entrance to the Black Knights' Fortress. Rock
Sky Where wizards learn. 2nd3rd floor[UK] of the Wizards' Tower in Archmage Sedridor's room, next to the telescope. Barrel
Osborne Imprisoned in the city of White Knights. Eastern side of the White Knights' Castle in Falador. Wandering around the cage with a skeleton. Crate
Neena Learning barbarian culture. Around Barbarian Village Long Hall. Crate
Pips In a town threatened by trolls. Near the entrance of the Heroes' Guild in Burthorpe. Bush
Kelpie Near Mudskipper Point. Mudskipper Point Rock
Pi Seeking bloodshed and glory. Northern central spectator walkways of the Duel Arena. Cactus


Turkey Turkey book hint Location Disguise
Manti Relaxing with some Ogres. Inside Oo'glog, along the northern wall starting by the western entrance. Rock
Kalaya In a market for thieves. Ardougne Marketplace Barrel
Doctor In a town filled with Fremennik warriors. Roaming the market near the shoe store in north western Rellekka. Rock
MattHe In the Gnome Stronghold. Roaming around the swamp toads north-east of the gnomeball arena in Tree Gnome Stronghold. Toadstool
Maylea Searching for a mystical fruit. South-east of Rellekka inside the golden apple tree enclosure, west of fairy ring AJR and the Fremennik Slayer Dungeon. Bush
Orion Hiding in a haunted wood. Haunted Woods in Morytania, east of Canifis and south-west of fairy ring ALQ. Toadstool
Hunter Mesmerised by a whirlpool. Roaming around the docks near the whirlpool at the Barbarian Outpost. Crate
Aob Trapped in a maze. Roaming in the very south-west corner of the Tree Gnome Village maze. Bush
Jon Wandering near a jungle. Wandering near the musician south-west of Shilo Village, south from fairy ring CKR. Bush
Chaose On the back of the World Devourer. On Tuska's back, near the world window to Mazcab. Rock
Turkeys in disguise
A turkey in a barrel A turkey in a bush A turkey in a cactus A turkey in a crate A turkey in a rock A turkey in a toadstool
Barrel Bush Cactus Crate Rock Toadstool


  • All of the turkeys were named after Jagex Moderators.
  • 10 of the turkeys used in the previous Thanksgiving event returned, while 10 other turkeys were replaced. Some of the removed turkeys were named after moderators who have since left Jagex.
  • The event ended prematurely by a mistake. Its duration was later extended to end at 23:59 on 1 December 2015.[1]

