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Every day, a puzzle would be posted on the forums by "Mod Sliske" under the "Sliske's Christmas Adventure forum section. Posting the answer on the thread entered a user into a drawing for rewards.

XMas Chat[]

Mod Kalaya: Guys, I'm so sorry. Sliske can't be stopped. I've managed to bargain with him to at least guarantee the prizes he's stolen WILL be given out, in the first week of January. I've lost all control of the competitions - the advent calendar is totally in control of Sliske this year. Just make sure you've replied to each of them by the 2nd January, and I'll make sure you're in with a chance to win.

Every thread will be opened on their respective days at midday - 12pm game time. They'll remain open for entry up to the first week of January, when winners for all the threads will be chosen.

We'll use this thread as a chat thread, Happy Christmas everyone!

Day 1[]


Hmm, yes, hello. It's the month of Christmas and this year is my year - therefore, all the presents you think you're getting actually belong to me.

Maybe you can get some, if you're very good. If you know how to beat my puzzles.

Figure out today's puzzle, get lucky, and maybe I'll be gracious enough to give you the prize. 2 Bonds sound like a good enough motivation for you, World Guardian?

Here then - below is an image of me somewhere in game. Tell me where I am, and one of you to answer correctly will win the prize.

Sliske's Christmas Adventure Day 1 puzzle

And, for those of you too unfortunate to know my location, here's a hint:

Sliske's Christmas Adventure Day 1 hint

I'll decide who's won in January. Good luck 😉

Terms and Conditions Apply

Day 2[]


Well hello again World Guardian. Fancy seeing you here. You're probably after treasure and prizes again, hmmm?

Complete this puzzle and one winner can have 300 RuneCoins, straight into your account, yours to do with as you will. All you have to do is complete the jigsaw, and tell me whose face you see in the image. Remember your right-click button. It's useful. Sliske's Christmas Adventure Day 2 puzzle

See you soon.

Terms and Conditions Apply

Day 3 & 4[]


Hello again.

Today's challenge is a little trickier - tell me the answer to my riddle, and you will have a chance at winning the prize of 28 keys and 200 RuneCoins. A winner will be chosen in January.

My first is in Cupid, but not in Vixen;
My second is in Rudolph, but not in Blitzen.
My third is in Sledge, but not in Snow;
My fourth is in Santa, but not in Grotto.
My fifth is Angel, but not in Wings;
My sixth is in Nativity, and also in Sings.
My seventh is in tree, but not in cheer -
My whole is something you’d love to receive at this time of year.

Terms and Conditions Apply

Day 5[]

Mod Sliske:

Today. Today is an interesting day. So interesting, in fact, that I refuse to deal with you. I'm busy. Go away.

.. .. ..


Oh dear. Why are you still here? It's a mistake to still be here.

Mod Kalaya, take care of these pesky things.

Mod Kalaya:

Hey guys,

I've borrowed Mod Lee's expertise and he's come up with this competition - from the below rap, can you figure out who the NPC is? Post your answers for your chance to win some signed concept art!

Unsheathe your Excalibur's to take me down
To pass, Sir Percival must have the crown
Some players call me a gothic clown
Don't or I'll chase you right out of town
I'm not a familiar I'm better than the rest
In the Holy Grail you put me to the test
And until that one new Gower quest
I truly never looked my best

A winner will be selected in January. Please note that only one post per account should be made or you risk disqualification. Good luck!🙂

Terms and Conditions Apply

Day 6[]

Hello again.

There are 6 words in the below wordsearch puzzle. That shouldn't be too hard for you, should it?

Find the words. Someone who tells me all 6 will win 75 keys. They're all a theme, if that helps. Sliske's Christmas Adventure Day 6 puzzle

Terms and Conditions Apply

Day 7[]

Hello again. 

I've found myself in an interesting situation the other day - and require your thoughts on it. 

Let's play the game "Caption This". Someone with a suitably humorous or interesting answer will win 1 month of membership.

Sliske's Christmas Adventure Day 7 puzzle

Terms and Conditions Apply

Day 8[]


Oh. You're still here? Hmm. Well, today's prize, if you're good enough to get it, is 2 Bonds. Tell me where I am, and if I'm still feeling good in January I'll give those to one of you. Where Am I?

Sliske's Christmas Adventure Day 8 puzzle

And for the unlearned:

Sliske's Christmas Adventure Day 8 hint

Don't tarry! And if I find anyone posting more than once as a filthy attempt to "game" my game, I'll shiv you. And make sure you don't win. 

Terms and Conditions Apply

Day 9[]

Ahh, the reknowned World Guardian, back again are you? I see those greedy eyes of yours, hunting for more treasure.

Fine - 300 RuneCoins are up for grabs to one player of Lady Luck's choosing. Solve the below puzzle and tell me who's in it. I'll let you know who's won in January.

Keep in mind, you can right-click the pieces to rotate them. Try not to put the faces on backwards. It doesn't end well. Sliske's Christmas Adventure Day 9 puzzle

Just remember, if you post more than once on an account to try and "game" my game, I will end you and you won't win the prize. So post once - accidental double posts will be forgiven, of course.

Terms and Conditions Apply

Day 10 & 11[]

Ahh, hello World Guardian. Welcome back! I have a wonderful puzzle for you to complete today.

If I gave you 1 GP for every present my True Love gave to me in the ’12 Days of Christmas’, how much GP would I receive?

And, just for fun, give me one item you could buy on the Grand Exchange with that GP.

One of you whom gets the correct answer will win 28 keys and 200 RuneCoins, to spend how you wish. Make sure you only post once - or I will ignore your entries. One post per account, that's my new rule. I'll forgive the accidental one or two.

Terms and Conditions Apply

Day 12[]

Mod Sliske: You know, I'm done with your meddling. Get thee gone. I wish not to see you. Kalaya, deal with these fools.

Mod Kalaya: Hey guys,

This week Mod Lee has written us another rap - who's the NPC? Post the answer below for your chance to win a piece of signed concept art!

Me is strong
You is not
I no like ferrets
A very very very lot
Me fought the Walking Icecube
And defeat all dungeon crime
I stand tall and proud
Here in Daemonheim

Who am I?

Best of luck - we'll post the winner in January! Remember to only post once per account.

Terms and Conditions Apply

Day 13[]

Ah, hello. I almost missed you, you know? I need your ridiculous self for entertainment. Are you ready?

Below are clues for the boxes. Each answer writes horizontally, and those of you clever enough will know that the answers are locations. The letter in the bolded boxes are an anagram - figure it out and I'll select one of you to win the prize of 75 keys. Remember, only one post per account or you'll find my knife in your belly and definitely no prizes on your account.

Sliske's Christmas Adventure Day 13 puzzle

  1. City of the Elves
  2. The city in sand
  3. Land of the Elves
  4. Home of the White Knights
  5. A little village tucked away on an island
  6. Once jailed Prince Ali
  7. The underground city
  8. Through the World Gate
  9. Town of Shades and Temples

Terms and Conditions Apply

Day 14[]

Caption this image, World Guardian. I had a lot of fun with taking it. The most humorous or interesting "Caption" will be the winner of one month of membership.

Sliske's Christmas Adventure Day 14 puzzle

I'll decide in January.

Terms and Conditions Apply

Day 15[]

Hellooo, my lovelies. Welcome back.

Today's puzzle is all about my location - for who doesn't want this body? Tell me where I am and I'll give a prize of 2 Bonds to someone who guesses correctly. Good luck, World Guardian.

Sliske's Christmas Adventure Day 15 puzzle

And in case you need an extra hint, click below. Aren't I nice?

Sliske's Christmas Adventure Day 15 hint

A winner will be decided in January. One response per account, don't forget.

Terms and Conditions Apply

Day 16[]

Hello again.

Today's prize is 300 RuneCoins, not that you deserve it, and the puzzle to be solved is below. Get it right, and you might just be the lucky one who'll win the prize. Right click to rotate the pieces, put them together in a way that they fit, and tell me the name of the character in the image. No, unfortunately for you, it's not my glorious self - but a good blind guess! Sliske's Christmas Adventure Day 16 puzzle

Remember to right click the pieces to rotate them, and remember to keep it to one entry per account. I'll see you in January.

Mod Matthe: Apologies for the last posting - I think Mod Sliske might have had a little too much partying last night! 🙂

Day 17 & 18[]

Hello again,

See if you can beat my riddle - one of you who guesses correctly will win a prize. Don't beat it too quickly though, or I might get upset 😉

I have a mouth, but no lips or tongue –
I’m old as time, but I’ll forever be young.
I’m covered in clothes, but cold to the touch –
You may love me, but I’ll die if you hug me too much.

What am I?

One of you will be lucky enough to win 28 keys and 200 RuneCoins in January. Assuming you can keep it to one post per account. Don't forget.

Terms and Conditions Apply

Day 19[]

Mod Sliske: Ahh hello, I'm quite busy today. Much to be done, fun to be had. Therefore I've drafted in help. Mod Kalaya, take it away.

Mod Kalaya: Hey guys,

Mod Lee's come up with one last epic Rap - see if you can figure out who the NPC is and post below (remember, once per account)!

I rule a kingdom known for its square
No other town could quite compare
There's guards and a museum with loads of stair
A Grand Exchange with tons to share
I've given players a precious Inferno Adze
When you killed our dog Cerberus, boy was I mad
Third heir to the throne, rest in peace to my dad
I will defend this castle and my fellow comrades

Who am I?

We'll announce a winner from the correct entries in January - the prize is a signed piece of concept art! 🙂

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Mod Matthe: Yes, I bet he is busy indeed!

Day 20[]

Mod Kalaya: Hey guys,

So... I can't find Sliske. I told him to be here, on the dot, 12 every day. I don't know where he is.

I've brushed something up for your competition today - I'll see if I can find him. I hear he's been getting involved in some scheme known as "Endgame". 

Anyway - for your chance to win 75 keys, here's another wordsearch - there are 6 words hidden inside it, all around one theme.

You only need to find one word for be in with the chance to win, but the challenge is there to find all 6! Obviously with this competition you can post multiple times if you wish to post more words - but excessive posting to give you more chance of winning may disqualify you.


A winner will be chosen in January - find at least one word for your chance to win.

Terms and Conditions Apply

Day 21[]

Mod Kalaya: Hey guys, no sign of Sliske yet..

Here's your final Caption Contest - take a look and see what humorous or interesting captions you can come up with!

Sliske's Christmas Adventure Day 21 puzzle

Give us a caption and you'll be in with a chance to win. The winner will receive one month of membership in January 🙂

Terms and Conditions Apply

Day 22[]

Mod Kalaya: Where have I gone off to? Let me know where you think I am (hint in the spoiler below) for your chance to win 2 Bonds! I'll randomly select a winner from the correct answers in January.

Sliske's Christmas Adventure Day 22 puzzle

Sliske's Christmas Adventure Day 22 hint

Good luck! Remember - one post per account 🙂

Terms and Conditions Apply

Day 23[]

Mod Kalaya: Hey there!

2 days until Christmas, I hope you have your presents ready and wrapped!

Below you'll find the last jigsaw puzzle. Finish the puzzle, tell us the name of the NPC you see, and you'll be in with a chance to win 300 RuneCoins!

I'll be picking a winner in the first week of January - remember the one post per account rule. Good luck and enjoy! Sliske's Christmas Adventure Day 23 puzzle

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Day 24[]

Mod Kalaya: Happy almost-Christmas everyone! I hope you're all enjoying yourself and getting ready to snuggle up with friends, family and a wonderful meal tomorrow!

The last puzzle is here - guess correctly for your chance to win! We'll select a lucky winner from all of the correct answers who will get a Gold Premier Club package. Answer correctly for your chance to win! Remember the one post per account rule!

What do you have in December that you have in no other month?

Hint - it's not Christmas!

Good luck! 🙂

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