Abidor Crank is a man that players can encounter during the Temple Trekking minigame. The event he appears in is a friendly event in which he is the only character. Abidor Crank will turn all rotten food in the inventory into stews automatically when the player talks to him. He also boosts their Defence level by 15% and life points by 20% regardless of what level they are at and fully heals the Trekking companion. These boosts will slowly fade back to normal after a number of minutes dependent on skill levels.
- Abidor Crank looks exactly like the candle seller found near the entrance to the Lumbridge Swamp Caves.
- His examine text is a reference to the Parable of the Good Samaritan, told by Jesus Christ.
- He would previously tell players to go back as they won't be able to survive in Morytania if they somehow managed to get there without completing Priest in Peril. Since access to Morytania no longer requires Priest in Peril, this no longer happens.
- Abidor Crank's name is a play on Ichabod Crane, the protagonist of Washington Irving's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

Abidor Crank healing the player and the partner.