RuneScape Wiki
Account Security Week
Release date 15 May 2017 (Update)
Reward Various
Head developer Unknown edit
Preceded by N/A
Succeeded by N/A

Account Security Week is a recurring week-long event that promotes account security. Logging in during the event prompts a pop-up window with a link to the account security support pages and message It's Account Security Week! Count check has re-appeared in Burthorpe this week to offer Security themed clue scrolls and more! Secure your account for extra rewards!

During the event players receive an extra daily Treasure Hunter keys for having RuneScape Authenticator and bank PIN set; one key is rewarded for each of the features. Enabling the features rewards that day's extra keys retroactively after logging in. It is enough to have a bank PIN pending for activation.

Count Check is the host of the event, located near the Burthorpe lodestone. Each day of the event Count Check offers special clue scrolls featuring account security related cryptics. Completing a CS week clue awarded players with a casket (CS Week) and security casket (CS Week); opening either awards players with select items from the Treasure Trails reward table. Furthermore, if the player has the safety measures required for the keys enabled, he rewards the player with a small XP lamp.

Release dates[]
