An adamant bar is a bar of metal, refined through the Smithing skill by using an adamantite ore and 6 pieces of coal on a furnace or a portable forge. Players can also cast the Magic spell Superheat Item requiring level 43 Magic. Smelting a bar of adamantite requires level 40 Smithing, granting 37.5 Smithing experience.
Adamantite ore can be mined at level 40 Mining, while the coal can be mined at level 30 Mining.
An adamant bar can be smithed on an anvil or a portable forge through the Smithing skill to create adamant weapons and armour, granting 62.5 Smithing experience per bar used.
The weapons and armour can be sold or converted into coins using high level alchemy. High level alchemy yields a maximum return value of 1,998 coins per bar, by smithing adamant platebodies. All high alchemy return amounts are listed here.
A list of adamant items that can be smithed from adamant bars and the Smithing levels required can be found here.
It costs 899 coins to manufacture one bar, assuming all materials are purchased from the Grand Exchange; a profit of 862 coins. Using Superheat Item to smelt an adamant bar cost 1,940 coins; 1,304 coins if a fire staff is used. Using the Blast Furnace to halve the coal required results in a cost of 563 coins, a profit of 1,198 coins.
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The word "adamant(ite)" is abstracted form the Greek word "adamas" (also the root of the word "diamond") meaning "unconquerable," and refers to any strong metal.
For little more than half a year it was the strongest metal in RuneScape Classic, being released in January 2001 while Runite wasn't released until August of the same year.
The name "adamantite bar" was changed to "adamant bar" in November 2010, because adamantite was the name of the ore, not the metal. The name of "runite bar" was also changed to "rune bar" for the same reason.
Adamant is the heaviest of all ores, with the adamant bar being the heaviest bar in-game, with the exception of an obsidian bar which weighs 3 kg.