All Life points: 2,150
Life points1: 2,150
All Life points: 2,200
Life points2: 2,200
All Life points: 2,250
Life points3: 2,250
All Life points: 2,300
Life points4: 2,300
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 119.7
Combat experience1: 119.7
All Combat experience: 125.7
Combat experience2: 125.7
All Combat experience: 132
Combat experience3: 132
All Combat experience: 138.3
Combat experience4: 138.3
All Release date: 18 October 2004
Release date: 18 October 2004
All Combat level: 60
Combat level1: 60
All Combat level: 61
Combat level2: 61
All Combat level: 63
Combat level3: 63
All Combat level: 64
Combat level4: 64
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 1257
NPC ID1: 1257
All NPC ID: 1258
NPC ID2: 1258
All NPC ID: 1261
NPC ID3: 1261
All NPC ID: 1262
NPC ID4: 1262
The afflicted are victims of the Sanguinesti Affliction, a disease that infected Mort'ton in early Fifth Age. The disease itself spread to the village from the neighboring Sanguinesti region, although it is unclear how. The afflicted have a very limited mental capacity, and are highly aggressive to non-infected individuals. They speak nonsense if approached and have a sickly green colour, as well as a disoriented way of walking.
The Afflicted may be cured temporarily by either of the two serums, Serum 207 or Serum 208. After curing the afflicted, the cured villager(s) will become a Mort'ton local and will give rewards of various types, many related to making the cures. The Serum 208 yields better rewards from villagers.
Serum 208 is supposed to be a permanent cure for the Sanguinesti affliction. However, if used on an afflicted villager, it only cures them temporarily, probably to avoid making the serum useless when all the afflicted are cured.
Despite them supposedly being aggressive to non-afflicted people, the afflicted in-game are not aggressive.