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RuneScape Wiki
For this item's main hand variant, see Ahrim's wand.
For this item's augmented variant, see augmented ahrim's book of magic.

Ahrim's book of magic detail

Ahrim's book of magic is a book wielded in the off-hand slot that requires level 70 magic to be wielded.

Currently, the book is the sixth best off-hand magic weapon, behind the Imperium core, Seismic singularity, Seasinger makigaiVirtus book, and Abyssal orb.

A player is able to cast spells twice as fast with a wand as with a staff, which is two-handed.

This item can be rarely obtained by looting the chest in the Barrows minigame.

Combat Stats
RequirementsDegradesAhrim's book of magic equipped
70 MagicYes
Magic MagicOff-hand slot
Fastest (2.4s)
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

Drop sources[]

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Source Combat level Quantity Rarity


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  • Ahrim's book of magic and Karil's off-hand pistol crossbow are the only pieces of Barrows equipment that are worn in the off-hand (shield) slot.
  • A dual wielding update for Magic made players able to cast two spells at a time, with the damage output being similar to dual wielding melee weapons. This made the wands and books have the amount of accuracy a weapon of their level has, meaning Ahrim's book of magic now has 1486 rather than 374 accuracy and vice versa with the wand.
  • Ahrim's book of magic was unusual in that, for a while, it was more expensive than its main hand counterpart. This may be explained by the Wand of Treachery providing the same bonuses as Ahrim's wand, for a smaller price, but having no off-hand counterpart itself.
  • After Invention Batch 2, players can now use a whetstone to repair any Barrows equipment.