All Life points: 600
Life points: 600
All Combat experience: 35.7
Combat experience: 35.7
All Release date: 26 September 2005
Release date: 26 September 2005
All Combat level: 16
Combat level: 16
All Is members only: false
Is members only: false
All NPC ID: 2712
NPC ID: 2712
The air wizard is a monster that is found northwest of Port Sarim and east of Armadyl's Tower. The air wizard roams the area with his three elemental companions: water wizard, earth wizard, and fire wizard. When engaged in combat, the air wizard can cast Air Strike and Weaken. If the player attacks with any type of air spell (including abilities and Weapon Special attack as long as auto-cast is set to an air spell; Smoke spells also work, but he will still be affected by the secondary effect), the wizard will say "Gratias tibi ago", a Latin idiom meaning "Thank you", and then heal himself.
Healing one of the elemental wizards (air wizard, water wizard, earth wizard, or fire wizard) with the correct elemental spell is one of the Falador achievements.