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Al Kharid mining site
Al Kharid Mine
Release date 21 January 2001 (Update)
Also known as Al Kharid Quarry, Scorpion Mine
Location North-west of the Duel Arena, north of Al Kharid
Members No
Rocks 6 Silver rocks
4 Gold rocks
3 Common gem rocks
4 Uncommon gem rocks
Monsters Scorpions
Requirements None
Main music Unknown edit
Al Kharid mining site location

The Al Kharid mining site is located north of Al Kharid, north-west of the fire altar. It is also known as the Scorpion Mine, due to the abundance of those, and the Al Kharid Quarry, because it is an open pit mine. Until Mining and Smithing Rework this mine was popular for players of all levels because of the variety of ores available.


Prior Mining and Smithing Rework this location was fairly effective for mining most materials, as it had every non-quest ore besides clay and runite. It was also relatively close to the furnace and the bank in Al Kharid, which allowed players to smelt metal bars and further proceed with crafting or smithing. One could also mine the ore here then go to Lumbridge, use the furnace, and then use the nearby anvil found in the same building as the furnace.

Some players chose to powermine the iron ore due to its abundance. Other players used the spell Superheat Item to combine coal and mithril, adamant, or iron to create such respective bars, although the low abundance of coal usually detered players from such an approach.

The ores available before the update were:

At the very start of 2019 most mines and mining sites were reformed by removing some old rocks and adding new ones. One of such mines was Al Kharid mining site. At the northern part all ore rocks were replaced with common and uncommon gem rocks. At the middle exhausted rock was turned to a permanent silver ore rock (like 5 others) and at the southern part amount of gold ore rocks was doubled.


There are available rocks:

This is also one of the six possible desert locations for Shooting Stars to land.

The nearest banks are in the Duel Arena and Al Kharid.

One of the 12 resource dungeons is here and requires level 75 Dungeoneering to enter, it has some more available ores, gem rocks, and 5 frequent impling spawns.


  • Before an update, the Al Kharid mining site was home to one of the few places in the game where 3 iron ore were available to a player without having to walk in between mining attempts. This was an especially popular place for power mining, and competition could be fierce.
  • Three fire runes and one water rune spawn near the north end of the mine.