This article is about the altars used to recharge Prayer. For the altars used in Runecrafting, see Runecrafting altar.
For altars in a player owned house, see Chapel. For altars in Daemonheim, see Dungeoneering/Prayer.
Release date | 4 January 2001 (Update) |
Members | No |
Quest | Depends |
Location | See below |
Examine | A shrine to the glory of Saradomin. |
An altar is interactive scenery that allows a player to recharge their Prayer points. By clicking on it, the player will kneel by the altar and it will recharge their prayer points. To locate an altar, look for the altar icon () on the world map or minimap.
Altar locations[]
- White Knights' Castle in Falador, east side of the first floor; can be upgraded to grant 20 additional prayer points and switch to Ancient Curses after elite Falador Tasks
- Tribute Stone, east of Falador lodestone
- Small church in Port Sarim, south of lodestone
- Captured Temple south of Goblin Village
- Bandos's remains, east of Goblin Village
- Prayer Guild, first floor Edgeville Monastery, 31 Prayer required; grants 20 additional prayer points
- Heroes' Guild in Burthorpe, first floor
- Church in Burthorpe, south-east of the Heroes' Guild
- Druids' Circle in Taverley
- God Statue in Taverley
Feldip Hills[]
- Sulphur spring in Oo'glog after As a First Resort; grants 10% additional prayer points
- God Statue in Gu'Tanoth
- Church in Seers' Village; grants 20 additional prayer points after hard Seers' Village Tasks
- East Ardougne church, north of the general store
- Church in centre of West Ardougne
- Monastery, south of East Ardougne
- Chaos altar west of Battlefield, next to Ourania Cave
- Saradominist church in Witchaven
- Chaos altar in Yanille Dungeon among several Chaos druid warriors; drops players into a spider pit, inflicting 150 damage
- Goblin Temple within the Goblin Cave after Land of the Goblins
- Saradominist and Zamorakian altars in the spawn rooms of Castle Wars
Kharidian Desert[]
- Duel Arena lobby near Al Kharid
- Citharede Abbey, east of Al Kharid
- Two desert god statues in Uzer Mastaba after Missing My Mummy, one of Amascut and another of Icthlarin
- Elidinis Statuette in Nardah after Spirits of the Elid; also restores life points
- Temple in the south-western corner of Sophanem
- Western side of the Worker district in Menaphos
- Lumbridge church, east of Lumbridge Castle
- Saradomin church in Varrock, north-eastern corner of the city
- Zamorak church in Varrock, south-eastern corner of the city
- Varrock Castle, north side of the first floor
- Paterdomus temple on the River Salve
- Altar of Zaros underneath the Digsite after The Temple at Senntisten; can be used to switch to Ancient Curses and grants 15% additional prayer points
- God Statue in Lumbridge
- Altar of nature in Mort Myre Swamp after Nature Spirit; grants 20 additional prayer points
- Vampyric altar in northern Darkmeyer
- In Memory of the Myreque north of Canifis, after The Lord of Vampyrium; grants 5 additional prayer points per statue built for a maximum of 50 additional prayer points.
- God Statue in Canifis
- Inside western entrance of the Underground Pass, next to Well of Voyage
- Altar of Seren in upper floor of Lletya
- Seren altars in the Hefin Clan and Iorwerth Clan districts of Prifddinas
- The Elven grimoire in the Cadarn Clan district of Prifddinas; can be used to change spellbooks and prayers
- God Statue in Prifddinas
- First floor of Black Knights' Fortress after Death of Chivalry. Another altar is located beyond the portal in the ritual chamber where Dawn is fought
- Chaos Temple at level 12 Wilderness, south-east of the Graveyard of Shadows; acts as a gilded altar
- Chaos altar at level 38 Wilderness, against the western border
- Saradominist church on the south-east corner of Entrana
- Tribal Statue north of Tai Bwo Wannai after Tai Bwo Wannai Trio in Karamja
- Gorilla Statue in the temple in north-east Ape Atoll
- Shrine to V in a cave on V's Island after Hero's Welcome
- Church on Tutorial Island after Beneath Cursed Tides
God Wars Dungeon[]
Altars in generals' rooms in the God Wars Dungeon can only be used every ten minutes while out of combat. The altars grants 10 additional prayer points per god item equipped by the player that corresponds to the altar's god. Wearing a Bandos chestplate, tassets, boots, and godsword, for example, would yield 40 additional prayer points when praying to the Bandos altar.
Reaching altars[]
These altars are reasonably accessible by "fast" transportation means, such as teleportations.
Altar location | Transport method |
Tribute stone north of Falador | Teleporting to the Falador Lodestone brings the player extremely close to the tribute stone to the east, which also functions as a small Summoning obelisk. |
Kandarin Monastery south of Ardougne | The Ardougne cloak 1 may be used to teleport directly to it. It is also possible to use the fairy ring code DJP to the Tower of Life and then go west to the monastery. |
Church at Lumbridge | The church is very close to the Lumbridge lodestone. |
Altar in Lletya | A crystal teleport seed can be used to teleport very close to the altar. |
Chapel room of player's house | If the player has built an altar in their home, the Teleport to House can be used to quickly reach it. |
Sulphur spring in Oo'glog | Using the Oo'glog lodestone, the pool is only a short distance away. |
The Vampyric altar in Darkmeyer | Drakan's medallion teleport (Darkmeyer option), the Altar is a short distance away. |
Cadarn/Iorwerth clan in Prifddinas | (Attuned) Crystal teleport seed (Options 4 or 7), the Altar is a short distance away from both teleports. |
- Of the prayer-recharging altars in the world, they belong to the following deities:
- 23 Saradominist
- 10 Zamorakian
- 3 Guthixian
- 4 Bandosian
- 1 Armadylean
- 1 Zarosian
- 4 Serenist
- 1 devoted to V
- 1 Marimbo
- 6 devoted to the Menaphite Pantheon
- 1 devoted to the Karamjan gods
- Previously, the Altar of Chaos did not recharge prayer points fully. It restored 2 less (now equivalent to 20) prayer points than the player's maximum. Having 2 or less maximum Prayer would fully recharge your points, however.
- Altars located in a player's house can be used to train Prayer. Simply use any bones on an altar in a Player-owned house to gain experience. When you use bones on a player's altar it will say, "The gods are very pleased with your offering", "The gods are pleased with your offering" or "The gods accept your offering". Altars inside Daemonheim work similar to that in a Player-owned house, giving four times the experience received from burying.
- If a player uses an item on an altar, a message appears saying "You fear the wrath of the gods!" However, this will not happen at the altar to Seren in Lletya or the Vampyric altar in Darkmeyer.
- There was an altar in the basement of the Wizards' Tower before its graphical update on 28 November 2012. While it still existed, it was used in the Restless Ghost quest. After a patch note update, it had no use until its removal.