Anagogic orts were rocks gained by members when killing monsters or skilling whilst in a clan. A maximum of 200 orts could be picked up daily, with the timer resetting at midnight UTC, allowing players to collect more. They were given to the Clan Avatar, usually to obtain buffs (e.g., 3% bonus experience while on the same world as the avatar, 6% when standing 10 steps or closer to the avatar) by giving 300 per week either at the avatar itself or to the Quartermaster. Accounts playing on Ironman Mode could not receive anagogic orts. These were made into a virtual currency with the 11 January 2016 update, but all existing orts still remained and could be converted. They were eventually made useless in an update on 30 July 2018, orts remained in bank and in currency pouch, and players were awarded clan citadel boosters depending on how many anagogic orts they had at that point, having 1,000–9,999 orts yielded one booster, having 10,000–49,999 yielded two, having 50,000–99,999 yielded three and having 100,000 or more yielded four. The limit of orts that a player could have at any time in storage was 200,000.
Orts were dropped by monsters that also dropped unnoted herbs or had access to the rare drop table. For example, goblins dropped herbs, so they were eligible for dropping orts. Although bosses like General Graardor did not have any unnoted herb drops, they did have access to the rare drop table, so they did drop orts as well. Bosses that dropped multiple rare drop table drops at a time, such as Nex, dropped 40 orts instead (20 for each rare drop table item).
Skilling players received a message to let them know they got some, saying: "Some anagogic orts fall to the floor." This message could be filtered and would not appear unless the player had their game chat set to all. After 11 January 2016, the anagogic orts picked up were sent to storage instead of being kept in the inventory; the message was changed to "You now have x/200,000 orts in storage." Orts were dropped on the floor under the player's feet even if the player has spare inventory space. Players received between 1 and 33 orts a time from skilling, and did not need to be a full member of a clan to obtain anagogic orts.
Players could stop receiving orts as a drop by talking to Captain of the Guard found in the Clan Camp, selecting "How do I stop getting anagogic orts?", and responding "Yes" to "Are you sure you want to turn OFF anagogic ort drops?"
Ways to receive anagogic orts[]
Through combat[]
Amount | Monsters |
20 | Most monsters that drop unnoted herbs, seeds or 1 RDT drop. |
40 | Monsters that drop 2 RDT drops, RDT drop from Tormented Demons |
60 | |
100 | RDT drop from the Kalphite King |
120 | "Uncuts" drop from the Corporeal Beast |
Through skilling[]
The following skills do not drop anagogic orts:
- Agility
- Dungeoneering
- Summoningn
- Magic (non-combat)
Drop sources[]
Anagogic orts were previously dropped by the following monsters:
- Aberrant Spectre
- Bandit (Kharid Bandit Camp)
- Cyclops
- Dust devil
- Dust devil (elite)
- Earth warrior
- Earth warrior (elite)
- Gargoyle
- Ghast
- Grifolapine
- Kurask
- Man
- Mutated bloodveld
- Mutated zygomite
- Nechryael
- Rock lobster
- Rockslug
- Shadow warrior
- Suqah
- Undead troll
- Vyrelady
- Warped terrorbird
- Zombie
- According to Mod Maz, anagogic orts are bits of the Clan Citadel island which have fallen to the surface of Gielinor [1]
- Ort is a Middle English word meaning left-over, turned to a whole, or a leftover scrap from a meal. Anagogic is the adjective form of anagoge, which means "The spiritual or mystical interpretation of a word or passage beyond the literal, allegorical or moral sense (especially in Biblical criticism)."
- After the first day of release, the colour of the message saying some orts fell on the floor was changed from white to green.
- There was a glitch with the skypouncer and bloodpouncer pets that allowed you to gather more than 200 orts a day. Any orts picked up by their scavenge ability would not count towards the cap of 200 orts. This has since been fixed.
- Up until an update some time around March or April 2015, orts would not be dropped whilst Barbarian fishing. After this update, orts are now dropped whilst Barbarian fishing.
- At the Summer beach party, players could get Orts from Palm Tree Farming, Sandcastle Building, and Hook a Duck.
- Orts used to be lost when leaving a clan, however this has been changed so players keep the orts which they have gathered if they leave their clan.