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"Ancients" redirects here. For the prayers unlocked after The Temple at Senntisten, see Ancient Curses.

The Ancient Magicks are a branch of magic aligned to the gods Zaros and Seren, and form one of the three spellbooks in RuneScape. They are first accessible after the Desert Treasure quest, which rewards combat and teleport spells related to Zaros. After a higher-level quest, The Light Within, the spellbook gains additional spells that belong to Seren. Spells aligned to Zaros are mostly combat oriented, while Seren spells have more support or non-combat uses.


The Ancient Magicks are a long forgotten and destructive set of spells. In the second age they were very commonly used, mostly by the followers of Zaros, who ruled a very large kingdom at that time.

The very destructive and powerful spells of the Ancient Magicks proved to be very useful during the wars in the era. The spellbook also contained various teleport spells which made it easier for the Zarosians to travel across their kingdom, which stretched from the northern Wilderness, to northern Misthalin and north-western Morytania. In game, the spellbook contains teleports which lead to places where the currently destroyed Zarosian fortresses once stood.

After Zaros' banishment, Zamorak, Saradomin, and other gods destroyed the entire kingdom. The destruction of the kingdom and the slow disappearance of runestones caused the Ancient Magicks to become a rarely used form of magic. During this time, only the Mahjarrat used Ancient Magicks, mostly because they didn't use runes.

The God Wars held after Zaros' banishment saw the slow fade of the Ancient Magicks from common knowledge. Many of the remaining followers of Zaros, who comprised the majority of spell-casters, were killed or imprisoned. The powerful spells caused much destruction during the enormous battles, although the number of people who knew about the spells was extremely limited. Zuriel, one of the most powerful mages at that time and one of the few who still possessed the knowledge, devised the Miasmic spells, which at one time was the most powerful combat spell set.

Long after the end of the God Wars, at the beginning of the fifth age, the art of Runecrafting was rediscovered, giving humans a new supply of runes. New spells were invented by modern wizards of the Wizards' Tower, driving the ancient magicks even further into obscurity. Today, Ancient Magicks are used almost exclusively by the Mahjarrat, who have been driven close to extinction in Gielinor. A handful of people, including Zamorakians such as Solus Dellagar and Zenevivia, still possess the knowledge of Ancient Magicks. That said, most mages of Gielinor choose to practice the modern magic created at the Wizards' Tower. Players learn about the Ancient Magicks during the Desert Treasure quest, where they release the imprisoned Zarosian Mahjarrat Azzanadra.

Skill and quest requirements[]

Because unlocking the Ancient Magicks spellbook requires completion of the Desert Treasure quest, the following quests are also required:

Total level: 270
Attack ---- Constitution ---- Mining ----
Strength ---- Agility 15 Smithing 20
Defence ---- Herblore 10 Fishing ----
Ranged 40 Thieving 53 Cooking ----
Prayer 12 Crafting ---- Firemaking 50
Magic 50 Fletching 10 Woodcutting ----
Runecrafting ---- Slayer 10 Farming ----
Construction ---- Hunter ---- Summoning ----
Dungeoneering ---- Divination ---- Invention ----
Attack style icon fixed 33 Quest ---- Music icon fixed ----
Task icon fixed ---- RuneScore -----

Because of these quests, the skills required to obtain the Ancient Magicks can be seen in the table to the right.

The quest also requires ice gloves to wield a weapon against one of the bosses, which require 50 mining to acquire. The quest can be completed without them using ice arrows, but it is generally regarded as difficult and thus 50 mining could be considered an unlisted requirement for Desert Treasure.

For the Seren portion of the spellbook, players must complete The Light Within, which requires the following quests to be completed.

The quest also requires multiple level 80s, and Plague's End requires multiple level 75s to start.

Switching spellbooks[]

Jaldraocht Altar

The altar at which player can switch between Ancient Magicks and the basic spellbook

Players can switch to Ancient Magicks at the altar inside the Jaldraocht Pyramid (simply "Pyramid" on the World Map) in the Kharidian Desert, southwest of Pollnivneach and north of Menaphos. There is a rear entrance (tunnel) to the south of the pyramid that allows players who have completed Desert Treasure to enter the throne room directly, where the altar is, without having to navigate the four floors of the pyramid. At the altar, players can pray, thus switching to or from the Ancient Magicks spellbook. This drains all Prayer points to zero. (Players can still switch spellbooks even with 0 Prayer points.)

Those who simply wish to switch from Ancient Magicks to the regular spellbook may find it easier to pray at the Astral Altar on Lunar Isle and choose normal spellbook, provided Lunar Diplomacy has been completed.

Alternatively, players who have completed Plague's End can use the elven grimoire found within the magic shop in the Cadarn Clan district of Prifddinas to switch between standard spells and Ancient Magicks. This does not drain prayer points.

Players who have unlocked and crafted the book switcher from Invention, when in the vicinity of a bank, can consume the device to switch spellbooks.

Players who own the Magic cape can use the cape's perk when in the vicinity of a bank to switch to or from the Ancient Magicks spellbook.

Reaching the pyramid[]

Jaldraocht Pyramid entrances locations

Various methods of teleportation exist for reaching the Jaldraocht Pyramid:


Prior to the autocasting update on 2 September 2009, the Ancient staff was the only way to autocast Ancient Magicks combat spells. It can be obtained once from Eblis, who will sell it for 80,000 coins after the completion of Desert Treasure. Alternately, the staff can be bought on the Grand Exchange for 135,580 coins, or obtained as a drop from mummies. Upon release of the Evolution of Combat, the staff's original purpose was rendered obsolete. After the update it became a level 50 staff and provided a 10 percent increase to spell damage.

The Ancient Magicks combat spells are, as mentioned, the most dangerous combat spells in the game. Not only can they deal a substantial amount of damage, but each of the four classes of elemental spells has a different curse effect:

  • The Smoke spells (air) can reduce the target's chance to hit by 5% for 10 seconds.
  • The Shadow spells (earth) can lower the target's damage by 5% for 10 seconds.
  • The Blood spells (fire) can heal the caster 5% of the damage dealt to the target, and 3% of damage to secondary targets.
  • The Ice spells (water) can freeze the target in place and prevent it from moving for 10 seconds (2.4-9.6 seconds in PvP).

The effects have an estimated 10% chance to occur, for both auto-attacks and abilities; however, ice spells will always freeze targets on successful hit if cast as an auto-attack. The Dark Form ancient curse doubles this chance. Between the releases of the Evolution of Combat and Seren spells, all but the ice spells applied their effects on every auto-attack, but would never with abilities. Ice spells always froze the target with auto-attacks and abilities.

In addition, the Burst and Barrage spells are area-of-effect (AoE) if cast as an auto-attack, and will hit both the target and any other player or NPC standing in a 3x3 zone around the target. Damage to secondary targets is reduced, as is the healing from blood spells.[1] Rush and Blitz spells will only hit a single target.

Some monsters are large, meaning that they take up more than one square of space. When a Burst or Barrage spell is cast on one of these monsters, it will hit the monster plus any surrounding monsters within any square of space standing within a 3x3 zone of the targeted monster's south-westernmost corner square, which is treated as its "origin" square.

While less popular for general training, Ancient Magicks is often used in various player-versus-player activities, such as the TzHaar Fight Pit, Stealing Creation, Castle Wars, Fist of Guthix and Soul Wars. Ice spells, especially Ice Burst and Ice Barrage, are especially popular, due to their freezing effects.

Ancient Magicks are not allowed in Barbarian Assault.

Combat spells[]

The maximum hits listed here are the spells' base maximum hits, without any modifiers.

There are four ascending types of spells, these are: Rush, Burst, Blitz and Barrage. For these spell-types are 4 ancient 'elemental' variations for each spell type, in ascending order: Smoke, Shadow, Blood, and Ice.

Icon Spell Magic Level Runes Required Base Experience Damage[n 1] Notes
Smoke Rush Smoke Rush 50 1Death3Air 30 480 Reduces the target's chance to hit by 5% for 10 seconds
Shadow Rush Shadow Rush 52 1Death3Earth 31 499 Reduces the target's damage dealt by 5% for 10 seconds
Blood Rush Blood Rush 56 1Death3Fire 33 535 Heals the caster for 5% of the damage inflicted on the target
Ice Rush Ice Rush 58 1Death3Water 34 556 Immobilises the target for 10 seconds, or 2.4 seconds for players
Smoke Burst Smoke Burst 62 2Death4Air 36 595 Reduces the targets' chance to hit by 5% for 10 seconds
Shadow Burst Shadow Burst 64 2Death4Earth 37 614 Reduces the targets' damage dealt by 5% for 10 seconds
Blood Burst Blood Burst 68 2Death4Fire 39 652 Heals the caster for 5% of the damage inflicted on the main target, and 3% of damage inflicted to others
Ice Burst Ice Burst 70 2Death4Water 40 672 Immobilises the targets for 10 seconds, or 4.8 seconds for players
Smoke Blitz Smoke Blitz 74 1Blood5Air 42 710 Reduces the target's chance to hit by 5% for 10 seconds
Shadow Blitz Shadow Blitz 76 1Blood5Earth 43 729 Reduces the target's damage dealt by 5% for 10 seconds
Blood Blitz Blood Blitz 80 1Blood5Fire 45 786 Heals the caster for 5% of the damage inflicted on the target
Polypore Strike icon Polypore Strike 80 Polypore staffPolypore staff 786 This spell is in all three spellbooks and requires the Polypore staff to cast. The max hit is increased by 1 for each magic level the user has. Considered an air spell.
Ice Blitz Ice Blitz 82 1Blood5Water 46 787 Immobilises the target for 10 seconds, or 7.2 seconds for players
Smoke Barrage Smoke Barrage 86 2Blood5Air 48 825 Reduces the targets' chance to hit by 5% for 10 seconds
Shadow Barrage Shadow Barrage 88 2Blood5Earth 48 844 Reduces the targets' damage dealt by 5% for 10 seconds
Blood Barrage Blood Barrage 92 2Blood5Fire 51 883 Heals the caster for 5% of the damage inflicted on the main target, and 3% of damage inflicted to others
Ice Barrage Ice Barrage 94 2Blood5Water 52 883 Immobilises the targets for 10 seconds, or 9.6 seconds for players
  1. ^ A spell's damage scales according to the caster's Magic level and attack speed. See this page for further details.

Teleportation spells[]

Icon Spell Magic Level Runes Required Experience Notes
Home Teleport icon Home Teleport 0 None None Opens the Home Teleport interface allowing the player to teleport to any lodestone that player has available.
Paddewwa Teleport icon Paddewwa Teleport 54 2Law1Fire1Air 64 Teleports to the entrance of Edgeville Dungeon.
Senntisten Teleport icon Senntisten Teleport 60 1Soul2Law 70 Teleports to the Digsite and Senntisten Temple.
Kharyrll Teleport icon Kharyrll Teleport 66 1Blood2Law 76 Teleports to Canifis. This is the only teleport spell that can be added to a portal in a player-owned house that is not from the basic spellbook.
Lassar Teleport icon Lassar Teleport 72 2Law4Water 82 Teleports to the top of Ice Mountain.
Dareeyak Teleport icon Dareeyak Teleport 78 2Law3Fire2Air 88 Teleports to the ruins west of the Bandit Camp in the Wilderness.
Carrallanger Teleport icon Carrallanger Teleport 84 2Soul2Law 94 Teleports to the Graveyard of Shadows in the Wilderness.
Annakarl Teleport icon Annakarl Teleport 90 2Blood2Law 100 Teleports to the Demonic Ruins in the Wilderness.
Ghorrock Teleport icon Ghorrock Teleport 96 2Law8Water 106 Teleports to Ice Plateau in the Wilderness.

Seren spells[]

All Seren spells are unlocked after completing The Light Within.

Combat spells[]

Icon Spell Magic Level Runes Required Base Experience Damage Notes
Opal Aurora Opal Aurora 75 1Soul3Air 1 803.2 Direct damage spell. Also increases the lifespan of nearby prisms.
Prism of Restoration Prism of Restoration 76 6Soul2Blood6Astral 84 N/A Places a prism which heals nearby familiars and restores their special attack energy, and gives a chance to not use scrolls on familiar special ability use.
Sapphire Aurora Sapphire Aurora 77 1Soul3Water 1 822.5 Direct damage spell. Also overcharges nearby prisms, adding useful effects on their next tick.
Intercept Intercept 77 2Soul3Earth3Air 80 N/A Redirects damage taken by the targeted player over the next 10 seconds to the caster, the damage is reduced by 5%.
Emerald Aurora Emerald Aurora 79 1Soul3Earth 1 841.8 Direct damage spell. Also applies a stacking 1% damage reduction buff to the caster. Stacks up to 5%, and with other damage reduction methods. This effect lasts for 24 seconds.
Prism of Salvation Prism of Salvation 80 6Soul2Blood6Astral 89 N/A Places a prism which players can click to teleport near to, as long as there's a clear path between.
Ruby Aurora Ruby Aurora 81 1Soul3Fire 1 851.2 Direct damage spell. Also has a chance to apply a 1% damage buff to nearby allies. Stacks up to 3%. This effect lasts for 24 seconds.
Prism of Loyalty Prism of Loyalty 82 6Soul2Blood6Astral 97 N/A Places a prism into which players can funnel life points. Anyone doing so will take damage, and the prism will automatically heal nearby players with 25% or lower life points.
Shield Dome Shield Dome 84 3Soul3Earth3Water 87 N/A Deploys a static dome that allies can stand within to reduce incoming damage by 50%. Domes cannot be layered on top of each other, and new shield domes affecting a player within 2 minutes have diminishing returns.

Skilling spells[]

Icon Spell Magic Level Runes Required Base Experience Notes
Prism of Dowsing Prism of Dowsing 86 3Soul3Nature3Fire3Earth 103 Places a prism which attracts wisps to it and increases the chance of drawing enriched wisps. All nearby players can benefit from this.
Crystallise Crystallise 88 6Soul6Chaos6Fire6Water 95 When cast on mining, fishing or woodcutting spots - or full box traps - will cause the resource to persist for 30 seconds, yield no resources and give increased XP rounded to 50%. Other players may still deplete the resource, but Crystallise will carry on when the resource is back.
Rapid Growth Rapid Growth 88 3Soul3Nature3Earth3Water 95 Skips a tree, fruit tree or herb patch forward a growth stage. Usable once per day on each eligible farming location.
Crystal Mask Crystal Mask 90 4Soul5Body6Fire7Earth 112 Gives +15% to pickpocketing chance and gives a chance to avoid damage and stun on failure for 5 minutes.
Spellbook Swap icon Spellbook Swap 96 1Law2Cosmic3Astral 1 Gives the ability to cast 1 spell from the Lunar or regular spellbook.


  • Before the release of the Seren spells, the only combination runes useful for the Ancient Magicks were Smoke runes, as the Paddewwa and Dareeyak Teleports were the only spells to use more than one elemental rune.
  • On the day of release, these spells had a glitch where every spell, along with the original effects, would freeze opponents.
  • The animation of the Daemonheim teleport that can be done with the Ring of Kinship is similar to (except for the colour) the Ancient Magicks teleport - and looks similar to the Pharaoh's sceptre's teleport animation. This may suggest a common (teleportation) principle or origin.
  • Each Ancient Magicks spell has a unique sound.
  • The Dungeoneering spellbook includes spells from both the regular and Lunar spellbooks, but none from the Ancient Magicks spellbook.
  • If your membership expires whilst the Ancient Magicks spellbook activated then it will return to the regular spellbook, even when you re-activate your membership.
  • During the early stages of the Evolution of Combat, the spells were called Gale, Rock, Bloodfire and Ice respectively, and Miasmic spells were removed. Before the Evolution of Combat, all the spells had different effects too: Smoke poisoned the target (poison damage has been removed), Shadow lowered the target's Attack, Blood healed you for 25% (now only 5%) of damage inflicted by you on your opponent, and Ice's freezing time varied depending on how strong the spell was (now all Ice spells freeze for 10 seconds when cast on NPC's and varies depending on spell with players), and Miasmic halved melee and ranged attack speed. In early 2014, the name changes were reverted, but the effects were not.


  1. ^ Mod Nic. "Triskelion Treasures." 11 June 2013. RuneScape News.