RuneScape Wiki
For other variants of this item, see superior.
For other variants of this item, see corrupt.
Statius's platebody detail

Ancient Warriors' equipment are sets of ancient armour and weaponry previously worn by the Ancient Warriors, who lived during the Third Age. They are very rare drops from revenants in the Forinthry Dungeon. The drop rates of these items increase slightly after the Elite Wilderness tasks have been completed, and increase further if the player is carrying a Revenant drop enhancer.

The armour sets are classed as PvP armour, and are the highest-level armours of this class in the game. They provide the same damage bonuses as ancient equipment. They also have defence values comparable to Refined Anima Core armour. However, the armours do not have any life point bonuses. The weapons each bear a unique special attack. The normal versions of this equipment require level 78 in the associated skills and last for 100,000 charges of combat before disintegrating.

The sets can be upgraded to superior versions using an ancient warriors' equipment patch, a reward from Bounty Hunter. The superior versions are tier 88 instead of 78, and are augmentable.

Statius's equipment[]

Statius's equipment consists of offensive melee armour and a warhammer. The armour is statistically equal to Vesta's equipment, but it also includes a full helm. It requires level 78 Defence to wear, and the weapons require level 78 Attack to wield.

Main-hand Off-hand Attributes Style bonus
Style Dmg Acc Style Dmg Acc Defence Constitution Prayer Attack-icon Ranged-icon Magic-icon
Statius's full helm Statius's full helm - - - - - - 384 0 0 20 - -
Statius's platebody Statius's platebody - - - - - - 442 0 0 30 - -
Statius's platelegs Statius's platelegs - - - - - - 423 0 0 25 - -
Statius's warhammer Statius's warhammer Crush 1162 1829 - - - 0 0 0 - - -
Totals Crush 1162 1829 - - - 1249 0 0 75 - -

Vesta's equipment[]

Vesta's equipment includes offensive melee armour and a choice of two weapons, a one-handed longsword and a two-handed spear. It requires level 78 Defence to wear, and the weapons require level 78 Attack to wield.

Main-hand Off-hand Attributes Style bonus
Style Dmg Acc Style Dmg Acc Defence Constitution Prayer Attack-icon Ranged-icon Magic-icon
Vesta's chainbody Vesta's chainbody - - - - - - 442 0 0 30 - -
Vesta's plateskirt Vesta's plateskirt - - - - - - 423 0 0 25 - -
Totals - - - - - - 865 0 0 55 - -
Vesta's longsword Vesta's longsword Slash 955 1829 - - - 0 0 0 - - -
Vesta's spear Vesta's spear Stab 1743 1829 - - - 0 0 0 - - -

Zuriel's equipment[]

Zuriel's equipment consists of offensive magic armour and a staff. The robes require level 78 Defence to wear, and the staff requires level 78 Magic to wield.

Main-hand Off-hand Attributes Style bonus
Style Dmg Acc Style Dmg Acc Defence Constitution Prayer Attack-icon Ranged-icon Magic-icon
Zuriel's hood Zuriel's hood - - - - - - 384 0 0 - - 20
Zuriel's robe top Zuriel's robe top - - - - - - 442 0 0 - - 30
Zuriel's robe bottom Zuriel's robe bottom - - - - - - 423 0 0 - - 25
Zuriel's staff Zuriel's staff - - 1829 - - - 0 0 0 - - -
Totals - - 1829 - - - 1249 0 0 - - 75

Morrigan's equipment[]

Morrigan's equipment includes offensive ranged armour and a choice of two throwing weapons. The armour requires level 78 Defence to wear, and the weapons require level 78 Ranged to wield.

Main-hand Off-hand Attributes Style bonus
Style Dmg Acc Style Dmg Acc Defence Constitution Prayer Attack-icon Ranged-icon Magic-icon
Morrigan's coif Morrigan's coif - - - - - - 384 0 0 - 20 -
Morrigan's leather body Morrigan's leather body - - - - - - 442 0 0 - 30 -
Morrigan's leather chaps Morrigan's leather chaps - - - - - - 423 0 0 - 25 -
Totals - - - - - - 1249 0 0 - 75 -
Morrigan's javelin Morrigan's javelin Thrown 1162 1829 - - - 0 0 0 - - -
Morrigan's throwing axe Morrigan's throwing axe Thrown 955 1829 - - - 0 0 0 - - -


  • Before the Evolution of Combat, the only difference in the equipment was the special attacks and the duration of the equipment. The corrupted version only lasted for 15 minutes of wearing while the regular ones lasted for one hour of combat.
  • For a very long time after the Evolution of Combat, Ancient Warriors' equipment had their original degradation mechanic, which meant they only lasted for 1 hour before turning into dust. It was not changed until the re-release of Bounty Hunter, which came out on 14 November 2016. With the aforementioned update, the degradation mechanic changed from 1 hour into 100,000 charges (approximately 16 hours), which is on par with tier 90 power armour.