All Life points: 3,700
Life points: 3,700
All Combat experience: 536.7
Combat experience: 536.7
All Release date: 10 January 2011
Release date: 10 January 2011
All Combat level: 103
Combat level: 103
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 13457
NPC ID: 13457
Ancient rangers are Ranged-based enemies which are found in the Ancient Prison in the God Wars Dungeon. Players should be cautious when fighting Ancient rangers as despite their combat level, they are the hardest-hitting of the monsters in the Ancient Prison, with a max hit of 650. Occasionally when fighting an Ancient ranger, they will perform a special attack that stuns the player and prevents the player from attacking for a few seconds, although this can be avoided by using Freedom to break free. They also have another special attack that disables deflect curses for a few seconds. Ancient rangers count towards the required kill-count of 40 to enter Nex's chamber. They are weak towards stabbing weapons, so a Zamorakian spear or a Chaotic/Drygore rapier is a feasible choice.
Ancient rangers may be unaggressive if a player has a certain ranged defence bonus. It's different for every player as the bonus and ranged levels must both be calculated. Ancient rangers will also be unaggressive if the player is wearing the Shard of Zaros.
The number of coins they drop is a reference to leetspeak, the use of numbers in place of letters. In leetspeak, 1337 means leet, meaning elite.
Shortly after the release of the Evolution of Combat, these monsters were weak to slashing weapons. A hidden update changed their weakness to stabbing weapons (this is also shown in the RuneScape Bestiary).