All Life points: 2,100
Life points: 2,100
All Slayer experience: 102
Slayer experience: 102
All Combat experience: 114.6
Combat experience: 114.6
All Release date: 4 September 2006
Release date: 4 September 2006
All Combat level: 58
Combat level: 58
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 4789
NPC ID: 4789
Angry vampyres are a possible result of using a dose of Guthix balance on a vampyre juvenile or vampyre juvinate. They become enraged, and attack you, but unlike normally, they can be harmed with any weapon, not just silver. They physically appear to be a larger version of the feral vampyres that inhabit Morytania, and they do in fact count for Vampyre slayer assignments.
Previously the kind of vampyre you use a potion on affected the name of the Angry vampyre you got, so you could get angry juvinates from vampyre juvinates near Burgh De Rott.
If a female vampyre juvenile is transformed into an angry vampyre, they lose all female characteristics.