All Life points: 4,300
Life points1: 4,300
All Life points: 4,400
Life points2: 4,400
All Life points: 4,500
Life points3: 4,500
All Slayer experience: 62
Slayer experience1: 62
All Slayer experience: 65
Slayer experience2: 65
All Slayer experience: 6
Slayer experience3: 6
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 179
Combat experience1: 179
All Combat experience: 188
Combat experience2: 188
All Combat experience: 198
Combat experience3: 198
All Release date: 4 July 2006
Release date: 4 July 2006
All Combat level: 60
Combat level1: 60
All Combat level: 61
Combat level2: 61
All Combat level: 63
Combat level3: 63
All Is members only: false
Is members only: false
All NPC ID: 4382
NPC ID1: 4382
All NPC ID: 4381
NPC ID2: 4381
All NPC ID: 4383
NPC ID3: 4383
They're weak against Earth spells and the Salve amulet. In free worlds, they're often attacked because of their high experience yield and decent drops, though some players will kill them solely for their left skull half drops. In combat, ankous act similar to attackable human NPCs - punching their opponents.
The ankou is the only monster to drop the left skull half, a component needed to assemble the skull sceptre. Wearing Varrock armour while killing them increases the chance of receiving this component of the skull sceptre.
In Breton, the word Ankou means Grim Reaper or Death. It is also a psychopomp (someone who escorts deceased souls to the afterlife) in Breton mythology.
Although the examine info says, "A bony ghost." they do not count towards a Slayer assignment of ghosts. Instead, they are a Slayer task by themselves.
Due to excessive botting, ankous had their health boosted. This led to player complaints as the ankous then had too many life points for low-levelled players. The boost was eventually reverted with the update on 17 October2016.