The Arc Journal is a book given to the player by Sharkborne on Waiko. It replaced The Arc: A Tourist's Guide.
This updated journal tracks the player's activities in The Arc. After the home tab's introduction, there are pages for each activity, and finally "A Tourist's Guide" at the end. Each activity has different rewards. It is similar to Achievements from the mainland. When a player completes the journal, a friends broadcast is transmitted and the title "the Voyager" is unlocked.
Having completed the Journal and thus having unlocked "the Voyager" title in combination with having bought all permanent unlocks from the Waiko and Ports Reward Shops rewards the player with "Salty" title by talking with Sensei Hakase.
The journal has a right-click teleport option, which gives free access to the dock at Port Sarim. If "Arc journal teletabs" is unlocked in the Waiko Reward Shop, then it can also be used to remotely access any of the seven Arc teletabs if stored in your bank. Arc teletabs can also be purchased from the Waiko Reward Shop.
Birds of the Arc[]
While in the Arc players can spot birds on both named islands and the Uncharted Isles. Some birds only spawn on certain days or while doing certain skilling activities. Spotting them all rewards players with a bird pet called Iago.
Mushrooms of the Arc[]
While foraging mushroom clusters on Goshima, The Islands That Once Were Turtles, and the Uncharted Isles players can discover different types of mushrooms. Discovering all types grants the player the title "the Fun Guy/Gal".
Berries of the Arc[]
Tuai Leit features a berry planter where various berry seeds can be planted and cross-pollinated to discover other types of berries. Tuai Leit also features ten rumberry bushes and the Uncharted Isles feature exuberry bushes. For growing all berry types Ani (farming merchant) will reward the player with a 50,000 Farming XP lamp and 10% extra experience and yield when harvesting berries.
Kami Spirits of the Arc[]
Like implings on the main land, the Arc has kami which can be caught in the Arc. Bakami are caught on named islands and orokami are caught on the Uncharted Isles. Loot ranges from regular and island resources to Orokami masks. Catching all kami once rewards the player with the ability to choose either triple experience or double loot for catching a kami similar to Daffyd's reward for catching all implings at least once as well as a 50,000 Hunter XP lamp.
Castaways of the Arc[]
Messages in bottles can be found on various named islands which contain a treasure map which while carried in the inventory and speaking with Quartermaster Gully will allow travel to various named uncharted isles containing castaways. The bottles can be spotted on different days in cycles of a certain amount of days, e.g. the first bottle spawns each day, the second bottle every two days, etc. Once the bottle is found and when the player was near the spawn location when it was visible, the bottle will be visible for always unless the message in a bottle or the treasure map is in the player's bank or inventory. Each of these castaways reward the player with one taijitu for finding them. Finding all the castaways unlocks the title "the Castaway".
The journal also features a small summary of the miniquests in the Arc. Completing all the miniquests in this series will reward the player with the "of the Arc" title.
The Arc Journal is your resource and guide for activities in the Arc Islands.
Use the bookmarks at the top to check your progress with the various items you can collect.
(If berry seeds planted:)
❶ [Seed] [State] [Growth time remaining]
❷ [Seed] [State] [Growth time remaining]
[List of claimed island's special resources and their depletion status.]
[Contract contact button]
Cyclosis Cockatiel
(If not found:)
This bird is occasionally found on Cyclosis.
(If found:)
It attracts mates by hopping around in circles and dancing.
Pumpkin Limpkin
(If not found:)
This bird is found near farming and foraging patches.
(If found:)
This curious bird looks for scraps of food in crop fields and berry patches.
Cyansoul Kakapo
(If not found:)
This bird is found near ancestral energy.
(If found:)
Its feathers are allegedly the same colour as the great spirit dragon, Seiryu. It is attracted to spiritual energy.
Tortleshell Plover
(If not found:)
This bird is found near tortles.
(If found:)
This bright pink bird is often seen hitching free rides on the backs of the tortles.
Dusky Wigglebill
(If not found:)
This bird is normally only seen at dusk.
(If found:)
These birds compete for territory by seeing who can wiggle their heads the fastest and most erratically.
Titchy Tinamou
(If not found:)
This bird is found on uncharted isles.
(If found:)
This unfortunate creature is nearly extinct. It is delicious.
Azure Parrot
(If not found:)
This bird is attacted by cooking soups and stews in the Wushanko isles.
(If found:)
This bird has a keen sense of smell and often begs for food.
Awah Guan
(If not found:)
This bird is attracted to salt.
(If found:)
These creatures are often found circling crablets. They love to bathe in salt to keep their feathers shiny.
Great Pecker
(If not found:)
This bird is attracted by woodcutting.
(If found:)
These curious birds will instantly become friendly when you offer them food. They eat practically anything, including bamboo.
Tuai Leit Toucan
(If not found:)
This bird is occasionally found on Tuai Leit.
(If found:)
It likes to drag its massive beak through the sand in the hope of catching small creatures.
Waiko Warbler
(If not found:)
This bird is occasionally found on Waiko.
(If found:)
The Waiko villagers occasionally sing a song that exactly matches the call of this bird.
Fluffy Jublet
(If not found:)
This bird is found on uncharted isles.
(If found:)
This bird is often hunted by Death Lotus assassins because its feathers are extremely soft and make lovely pillows.
Cocoa Macaw
(If not found:)
This bird is found on uncharted isles.
(If found:)
Contains 0% cocoa. Unless I feed it some cocoa, I guess.
Gongdung Peligorn
(If not found:)
This bird is occasionally found on Goshima.
(If found:)
Found predominantly around the shorelines of Ghoshima, it hoovers up fish with startling efficiency.
Crested Sillago Snatcher
(If not found:)
This bird is occasionally found on Whale's Maw.
(If found:)
A familiar sight on Whale's Maw. Fishermen often throw small morsels at them to distract them from the main catch.
Shrine Ibis
(If not found:)
This bird is occasionally found on Aminishi.
(If found:)
This dazzling creature picks on the charred remains of ill-prepared adventurers on the island of Aminishi. Sometimes berries too.
(If not found:)
These mushrooms are found in mushroom clusters around the Wushanko Isles.
(If found:)
A tropical fungus native to the Wushanko Isles. It has a weird taste.
(If not found:)
These mushrooms are found in mushroom clusters around the Wushanko Isles.
(If found:)
The mushroom grows best on dead creatures. It tastes disturbingly sweet.
(If not found:)
These mushrooms are found in mushroom clusters around the Wushanko Isles.
(If found:)
According to legend, this mushroom only grows near bad people.
(If not found:)
These mushrooms are found in mushroom clusters around the Wushanko Isles.
(If found:)
When boiled in water, this mushroom turns everything milky white.
(If not found:)
These mushrooms are found in the mushroom clusters around the Wushanko Isles.
(If found:)
The spores from these mushrooms will briefly stun you.
(If not found:)
These mushrooms are found in mushroom clusters around the Wushanko Isles.
(If found:)
It smells like melted butter but tastes like mango.
(If not found:)
These mushrooms are found on uncharted isles.
(If found:)
Similar to the wushroom in taste, but delicious.
Purple Bellow
(If not found:)
These mushrooms are found in mushroom clusters around the Wushanko Isles.
(If found:)
A brightly coloured mushroom that is boiled and used to make dye.
(If not found:)
These mushrooms are found in mushroom clusters around the Wushanko Isles.
(If found:)
Wushanko locals believe that those who eat this mushroom will die within 7 days.
Inky Cap
(If not found:)
These mushrooms are found on uncharted isles.
(If found:)
This mushroom has a deep black tip that resembles squid ink.
(If not found:)
These mushrooms are found on uncharted isles.
(If found:)
Its long, thin stalks give it the height it needs to efficiently spread its spores.
(If not found:)
These mushrooms are found in mushroom clusters around the Wushanko Isles.
(If found:)
Tastes like grilled bread.
(If not found:)
These mushrooms are found on uncharted isles.
(If found:)
This mushroom looks like sweet, sticky, bee vomit.
Arc Puffball
(If not found:)
These mushrooms are found on uncharted isles.
(If found:)
Mushrooms are like jellyfish of the forest.
(If not found:)
These mushrooms are found on uncharted isles.
(If found:)
It is leathery and smells of rich mahogany.
(If not found:)
These mushrooms are found on uncharted isles.
(If found:)
This soft mushroom looks like the skirt of a dress.
(If found:)
A juicy purple berry native to the Wushanko Isles. It has a very sweet effervescent taste.
(If found:)
These berries are sweet, creamy, and taste a lot like custard.
(If found:)
Don't let the colour fool you, eating these is like eating lava.
(If found:)
A slightly sweeter version of the fireberry; some people can actually eat this.
(If found:)
A sweet berry with a kick. Mournberry plants are extremely diverse in colour and taste.
(If found:)
This ancient berry was thought to be extinct.
(If found:)
The only known cache of stormberry seeds was sunk during a great battle eons ago.
(If found:)
Most rosaberry plants are sterile, so the berries must be cultivated carefully.
(If found:)
Sweet and tangy; this berry contains natural alcohol.
(If found:)
Eating meloberries makes you dizzy for a brief time. Worth it.
(If found:)
These bright red berries are really bouncy and make great ammunition in food fights.
(If found:)
These berries taste a lot like chocolate, but the bad kind.
(If found:)
Combining fireberry and blisterberry plants makes for an extremely potent berry.
(If found:)
These berries taste of a super sharp citrus flavour. It's impossible to eat one without making a weird face.
(If found:)
These odd berries taste vile.
(If found:)
These bitter berries are used in small amounts to create unique flavours in cooking.
Oily Bakami
A floating fish-face.
Bundling Bakami
Some sort of tree spirit thing.
Salty Bakami
Finds your salty tears delicious.
Stalking Bakami
A big fan of tortles.
Foraging Bakami
Loves berries and 'shrooms.
Ancestral Bakami
Yin, meet Yang.
Murderous Bakami
An unenlightened spirit.
Fortunate Bakami
A spirit that carries money.
Oily Orokami
(If not found:)
These odd spirits are found on uncharted isles.
(If found:)
A floating fish-face. A powerful water spirit.
Bundling Orokami
(If not found:)
These odd spirits are found on uncharted isles.
(If found:)
Some sort of powerful tree spirit thing.
Salty Orokami
(If not found:)
These odd spirits are found on uncharted isles.
(If found:)
Finds your salty tears delicious. A powerful salt spirit.
Stalking Orokami
(If not found:)
These odd spirits are found on uncharted isles.
(If found:)
A big fan of tortles. A powerful animal spirit.
Foraging Orokami
(If not found:)
These odd spirits are found on uncharted isles.
(If found:)
Loves berries and 'shrooms. A powerful nature spirit.
Ancestral Orokami
(If not found:)
These odd spirits are found on uncharted isles.
(If found:)
Yin, meet Yang. A powerful soul spirit.
Murderous Orokami
(If not found:)
These odd spirits are found on uncharted isles.
(If found:)
A powerful, unenlightened spirit.
Fortunate Orokami
(If not found:)
These odd spirits are found on uncharted isles.
(If found:)
A powerful spirit that carries money.
Milky Joel
(If found:)
A coconut, but not just a coconut.
One-Eyed Willy
(If found:)
A cyclops pirate (with an eyepatch) and a one-eyed parrot. Which one is One-Eyed Willy?
Manti Claws
(If found:)
A werewolf, and brother of Shantay Claws.
Swabbie Steve
(If found:)
A low-ranking pirate monkey.
(If found:)
A wandering Ga'al with a silly sailor hat perched on his, er, head?
The Cannonballs
(If found:)
An eclectic group of cannibals, wearing various weird headpieces.
Azalea Oakheart
(If found:)
Gnome glider pilot extraordinaire! She lives for the spirit of adventure.
(If found:)
A slightly-miffed, talking cyclops skull with a headache.
(If found:)
A cute flying squid that 'inks' itself all over the island. Ick!
Salmon Ella
(If found:)
Related to Salmon Max, the fish merchant on Waiko. I'm unsure if sister or wife it's not both, I just forgot.
Flag Fall
(If completed:)
Completed the 'Flag Fall' miniquest.
Head of the Family
(If completed:)
Completed the 'Head of the Family' miniquest.
Spiritual Enlightenment
(If completed:)
Completed the 'Spiritual Enlightenment' miniquest.
Jed Hunter
(If completed:)
Completed the 'Jed Hunter' miniquest.
Eye for an Eye
(If completed:)
Completed the 'Eye for an Eye' miniquest.
(If completed:)
Completed the 'Harbinger' miniquest.
Tuai Leit's Own
(If completed:)
Completed the 'Tuai Leit's Own' miniquest.
Ghosts from the Past
(If completed:)
Completed the 'Ghosts from the Past' miniquest.
Damage Control
(If completed:)
Completed the 'Damage Control' miniquest.
Final Destination
(If completed:)
Completed the 'Final Destination' miniquest.
The Arc: A Tourist's Guide
Welcome to the Arc
Waiko is an island built on trade, both with the east and the west.
We only accept two currencies here - hard work and chimes! Well, three if you count taijitu.
There are many ways for visitors to earn chimes, and there'll always be a willing buyer for your goods in Waiko market.
To get yourself a start, we'd recommend either chopping bamboo or fishing for tarpon right here on Waiko. They're not great for earning experience, but you should get a nice amount of chimes for gathering those resources.
A wider range of opportunities exist on other Arc islands, especially within the uncharted islands! Finding these rarer resources is where you'll gain some juicy experience.
Speaking of the uncharted islands, once you've collected a few chimes, you should head to see Rosie in Waiko Market, who will sell you supplies for such expeditions. Or you could just take advantage of the handful of free supplies she gives out every day, and head straight out there.
There's all sorts to discover out there, including something we call taijitu - they're a highly prized rare currency, which you might want to take to Boni in Waiko Market. She sells all sorts of useful stuff. We'll leave the rest of the discovery to you!
If you find yourself getting into the swing of making expeditions to the uncharted isles, you'll also probably want a flag so you can claim one for yourself - again, that's something you should talk to Boni about.
As for warriors from the west, you will also find much to fight in the uncharted islands, but true slayers should pay a visit to the acolytes of Seiryu on the island of Aminishi.
Finally, if you ever find yourself at a loss for what to do, find one of the many contract givers around Wushanko, like Sojobo in Waiko Market.
They'll give you something to focus on, and some nice rewards too in the form of chimes and experience.
You can even keep whatever you gather while completing them!
We hope that you enjoy your time in the east.
Please don't litter.