RuneScape Wiki
For the item used during Back to the Freezer, see Arcane stream necklace (Back to the Freezer).

Arcane stream necklace detail

The arcane stream necklace is a magic amulet, created by combining a chaotic remnant with Saradomin's hiss. It is the best non-degrading magic amulet in the game, providing a +44 magic boost to the player wearing it. The necklace requires 80 Magic and 70 Dungeoneering to wear. Its magic bonus slightly surpasses that of the Saradomin's hiss, although it lacks a prayer bonus; those without the extra ten Magic levels or Dungeoneering prerequisites to purchase and equip it may find the latter a more suitable option.

It can be used on a Blood necklace shard to create an Arcane blood necklace.

Combat Stats
RequirementsArcane stream necklace equipped
80 Magic, 70 Dungeoneering
Magic MagicNeck slot
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

Comparison with other neckwear[]

Name Reqs Cost Bonuses Notes
Amulet of souls (or) Amulet of souls (or) None 46,381,075 All strength bonuses 48
Prayer 5
  • Two passive effects: 50% chance for Soul Split to heal 25-50% more; protection Prayers and deflection curses block 10 percentage points more damage (60% total)
  • Degrades: has 100,000 hits of combat, and can be recharged by 50% with a cut onyx (100% charge costs 4,615,068 coins)
Amulet of souls Amulet of souls None 28,535,013 All strength bonuses 46
Prayer 5
  • Two passive effects: 50% chance for Soul Split to heal 25-50% more; protection Prayers and deflection curses block 10 percentage points more damage (60% total)
  • Degrades: has 100,000 hits of combat, and can be recharged by 50% with a cut onyx (100% charge costs 4,615,068 coins)
Reaper necklace (or) Reaper necklace (or) None 28,981,140 All strength bonuses 38
Prayer 3
  • Passive effect: each successful attack increases hit chance by +0.1% to a max of +3%, lasts up to 54 seconds after the last attack.
  • Degrades: has 100,000 hits of combat, and can be recharged by 50% with a cut onyx (100% charge costs 4,615,068 coins)
Reaper necklace Reaper necklace None 28,064,699 All strength bonuses 36
Prayer 3
  • Passive effect: each successful attack increases hit chance by +0.1% to a max of +3%, lasts up to 54 seconds after the last attack.
  • Degrades: has 100,000 hits of combat, and can be recharged by 50% with a cut onyx (100% charge costs 4,615,068 coins)
Amulet of the forsaken Amulet of the forsaken None 7,526,215 All strength bonuses 36
Prayer 3
Amulet of fury (t) Amulet of fury (t) None 1,563,174 All strength bonuses 34
Prayer 4
Blood amulet of fury Blood amulet of fury 80 Crafting (assistable) 21,040,001 All strength bonuses 32
Prayer 3
  • Passive effect: periodically saps the life points of the foe and heals the wearer by that amount
  • Degrades: has 60,000 hits of combat, and can be repaired by a Repair NPC for 1,000,000 coins (discounted at an armour stand), or 2000 blood runes; can still be used in empty state but loses passive effect
Amulet of fury Amulet of fury None 2,342,764 All strength bonuses 32
Prayer 3
Dragon Rider amulet Dragon Rider amulet One of a Kind 500,000 (replace) All strength bonuses 30
Prayer 10
Desert amulet 4 Desert amulet 4 Desert achievements Free All strength bonuses 30
Prayer 3
  • Costs nothing to replace
  • Other benefits; see article
Amulet of glory Amulet of glory None 12,331 All strength bonuses 26
Prayer 2
  • Can be charged to teleport to places
  • Other benefits; see article
Arcane blood necklace Arcane blood necklace 80 Magic
70 Dungeoneering
80 Crafting (assistable)
Dungeoneering token 100,000
Magic 44
  • Passive effect: periodically saps the life points of the foe and heals the wearer by that amount
  • Degrades: has 60,000 hits of combat, and can be repaired by a Repair NPC for 1,000,000 coins (discounted at an armour stand), or 3000 blood runes; can still be used in empty state but loses passive effect
Brawler's blood necklace Brawler's blood necklace 80 Strength
70 Dungeoneering
80 Crafting (assistable)
Dungeoneering token 100,000
Strength 44
Farsight blood necklace Farsight blood necklace 80 Ranged
70 Dungeoneering
80 Crafting (assistable)
Dungeoneering token 100,000
Ranged 44
Arcane stream necklace Arcane stream necklace 80 Magic
70 Dungeoneering
Dungeoneering token 100,000
Magic 44
Brawler's knockout necklace Brawler's knockout necklace 80 Attack
70 Dungeoneering
Dungeoneering token 100,000
Strength 44
Farsight sniper necklace Farsight sniper necklace 80 Ranged
70 Dungeoneering
Dungeoneering token 100,000
Ranged 44
Saradomin's hiss Saradomin's hiss 70 Magic 153,600 Magic 36
Prayer 2
Saradomin's whisper Saradomin's whisper 70 Strength 120,794 Strength 36
Prayer 2
Saradomin's murmur Saradomin's murmur 70 Ranged 700,235 Ranged 36
Prayer 2


  • When it was released it cost 100,000 tokens, but this was changed with the Slayer Challenges update to 30,500 tokens. The chaotic remnant, however, costs 100,000 tokens.
  • Until 27 May 2014 this item could be purchased on its own, as a complete item.
  • It required 70 magic to wear before the Evolution of Combat.