All Life points: 200
Life points: 200
All Combat experience: 13.3
Combat experience: 13.3
All Release date: 12 April 2010
Release date: 12 April 2010
All Combat level: 7
Combat level: 7
All Is members only: false
Is members only: false
All NPC ID: 11089
NPC ID: 11089
Archaemastyx (tier 4) are large, slow, dinosaur-like creatures that dwell in all tunnels under Daemonheim. Their skin is sought after for making excellent Ranged armour.
Players can obtain hides from Archaemastyx in one of two ways. Members can choose to trap the Archaemastyx with the Hunter skill. 30 Hunter is required to trap this creature, and successfully trapping a Archaemastyx yields 247 Hunter experience. In order to trap the Archaemastyx, a player must create a bovimastyx trap with the Fletching skill by using a knife on branches. The higher the tier of the branches used to create the trap, the more likely the creature will successfully be caught and killed in the trap. Hunting the creatures tend to yield between three and seven Archaemastyx hides. If the trap fails, the Archaemastyx will wave its head at the side of the trap with enough force to dismantle and destroy the trap beyond repair, and another bovimastyx trap would need to be created in order to attempt to trap the creature again.
A second option for non-members and members without the required Hunter level is to kill the creature through combat. Unfortunately, this method yields one hide at the most, mainly due to the fact that the skin is damaged through combat. In addition, the use of combat to kill these creatures also yields no Hunter experience, so teams that can have the option to trap the creature often do so rather than fighting it. Also is invincible to Earth Bolt, Earth Strike and other Earth mage attacks.