RuneScape Wiki
Ardougne Silver Stall
Ardougne Silver Stall
Release date 30 April 2002 (Update)
Members Yes
Minimap icon Silver shop map icon
Location East Ardougne
Owner Silver merchant
Specialty Silver
Silver merchant location

The Ardougne Silver Stall is a shop that sells silver. It is run by a silver merchant. It is located in the east of the Ardougne Market. Players with level 50 or higher Thieving may attempt to steal from the stall. If they are successful, they will receive 54 Thieving experience, one silver ore and on very rare occasions a Key token for the Treasure Hunter. The stall can only be stolen from once every 13 seconds. Erin, the silver merchant, will not allow anyone who has recently stolen from the stall to purchase anything from the shop (changing worlds does not circumvent this). If they were only caught while attempting to steal something, however, they may still access the shop.

Next to the shop is a sign announcing that the knights and paladins are keeping a watchful eye on things; mainly by noting how many items are being stolen from the bakers' stalls. Therefore, being caught stealing from this particular stall may result in one of the higher levelled guards, a knight or paladin, attacking you. Lower levelled players should take caution when doing so when food is not on hand. You can run away from the area around 15 squares away and then return, the guards will not attack you now but will if you get caught again.


Item Number
in stock
sold at
bought at
GE resale
Unstrung symbol Unstrung symbol 10 200 coins 60 237 370
Silver ore Silver ore 0 75 coins 22 138 0
Silver bar Silver bar 0 150 coins 45 574 0