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Ardougne cloak 1 detail

The Ardougne cloak 1 is a reward from completing the Easy Ardougne achievements given to you by Doctor Orbon in East Ardougne church, and can be retrieved from him for free if lost.

Combat Stats
RequirementsArdougne cloak 1 equipped
CombatSwords HybridBack slot
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour7PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses
Monastery (Kandarin) teleport


Reward When worn When operated At all times
Ardougne cloak 1 Ardougne cloak 1
  • Prayer points are boosted by 10% upon entry to Castle Wars
  • Trading a cat in West Ardougne gives 200 Death runes (instead of 100)
Ardougne cloak 2 Ardougne cloak 2
  • More drops from Creature Creation are noted
  • Increased chance of success when pickpocketing in Ardougne
  • A chance of additional runes at the Ourania Runecrafting Altar (approximately 15% more; no extra experience is gained)
  • 10 seconds of immunity when teleporting to the Wilderness via the lever in East Ardougne (but not the Edgeville lever to the same location) (bugged and doesn't work)
Ardougne cloak 3 Ardougne cloak 3
  • Increased chance of success when pickpocketing and stealing from chests anywhere in RuneScape
  • Even more of the drops from Creature Creation will be noted (approximately 80%)
  • Stealing from chests in Ardougne Castle or the Chaos Druid Tower will teleport to East Ardougne's north bank (instead of a random location)
  • Wizard Cromperty will give 150 noted pure essence per day
  • Watchtower Teleport can be toggled to go to Yanille instead (speak to any Ardougne task NPC)
Ardougne cloak 4 Ardougne cloak 4
  • Unlimited teleports to Manor Farm
  • Fully restore Summoning points once daily
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  • This cape used to be common among Pkers as it used to have a good prayer and stab bonus for its free cost.
  • The cape appears to "wink" at the player as the angle you are looking at the cape turns.
  • On the back of the cape appears to be a Highwayman mask, a tribute to the many players that train thieving in Ardougne's market.
  • When teleporting, the Saradomin Symbol appears at the player's feet.
  • When teleporting if you look close enough you can see your player's hair through a helmet.