RuneScape Wiki
RuneScape Wiki
This article is about the ranged helmet. For other uses, see Armadyl helmet (disambiguation).
For the Lucky version, see Lucky Armadyl helmet.

Armadyl helmet detail
Armadyl helmet chathead

The Armadyl helmet is a drop that can be obtained from the God Wars Dungeon that requires 70 Defence to wear. It is part of the Armadyl armour set and is classed as Power armour.

The helmet has the fourth highest defence bonuses for a range helm, beaten only by Morrigan's coif, Pernix cowl, Death Lotus hood and sirenic mask and is the third best non-degradable range helm, after the Third-age range coif and the mighty slayer helmet. Being Power armour, the helmet offers a Ranged bonus. However, a focus sight or a full slayer helmet are still preferable for those training Slayer.

When received with CoinShare active, the Armadyl helmet will be dropped as 120 Armadyl helmet shards split evenly among the players and sent directly to their banks. 120 shards can be combined to create this item.

Combat Stats
RequirementsArmadyl armour set equipped
70 Defence
Ranged RangedHead slot
70Power armour
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour259PvM: 0%PvP: 1.3125%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

Drop sources[]

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Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Kree'arra210; 5801Rare
Flight Kilisa1021Very rare
Flockleader Geerin1021Very rare
Wingman Skree1021Very rare


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  • The original female version of the helmet looked similar to the granite helm, shaped similarly to an owl. Both models have since been updated on 7 March 2012.
  • Prior to an update on 4 June 2018, with 60 Summoning, players could have the helmet enchanted by Pikkupstix to give it the ability to store up to 120 Summoning scrolls. Once enchanted, the helmet would also turn white. Players could also have the helmet disenchanted at any time by speaking to Pikkupstix again.