? (edit)It hasn't quite got round to dying.This is a rotten one.? (edit)Versions: 2
Defined properties:
All Life points: 10,000
Life points: 10,000
All Combat experience: 2800
Combat experience: 2800
All Release date: 25 July 2016
Release date: 25 July 2016
All Combat level: 93
Combat level: 93
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
Armoured zombies are monsters that can be found randomly on Uncharted Isles, alongside their non-armoured counterparts. They may be killed for combat experience and chimes. While not aggressive, they are accurate and can hit hard if players are unprepared for combat. The zombies are usually found in large groups making it very dangerous to use area-of-effect attacks or abilities against them.
Attacking armoured zombies will scale their life points and combative abilities to the player's own combat level.
The zombies will always be found near an overturned cauldron with potions laying about; this acts as their respawn point.