The exterior of the workshop

A map of the workshop
The Artisans Workshop or Artisans' Workshop is a Smithing workshop founded by Aksel, located in the south-east corner of Falador. It provides members and free-to-play players a fast way of training Smithing without any monetary gain.
Ceremonial swords offer high xp rewards for high intensity.
Burial armour offers medium xp rewards for 5 minutes of complete afk.
Most players taking into account gp, time, gp/xp and xp rates will find that Addy 3 burial armor is the most effective current way of afk training in Artisan's Workshop.
It was first mentioned in the Behind the Scenes article of March 2011. It was released on 8 March 2011. The music Metalwork unlocks inside.
How to get there[]
The fastest ways to get there are to use Falador teleport, South Falador Teleport, lodestone network, Clan vexillum to the Clan camp, Explorer's ring cabbage-port, or use the skills necklace to teleport to the Mining Guild. One can also use their modified blacksmith's helmet three times a day to teleport directly to the Artisans workshop.

Inside the workshop, the big machine built by Aksel in the centre
All four of the training methods in the workshop require the use of metallic ingots, making them is essential to participate in the workshop. To create ingots, use some of your ores on the smelter in the centre of the ground floor's room (noted ores work) to fill it up, then withdraw some ingots in exchange. You can store up to 4,000 of iron, mithril, adamantite, and rune ore each in the smelter, and up to 8,000 coal, so you can train at the workshop for a long time before needing to resupply. Any ingots you don't end up using can be deposited back into the smelter, and the ores can be withdrawn in return.
Ingots range from Grade I to Grade IV, the IV variant being the purest and the I type being the least pure. The only exception are bronze ingots, which only exist as Bronze ingot I. Boosts can be used to make armours above the player's current ability. E.g. use the god banner boost to make adamant miners' pieces at 68 Smithing.
To smelt IV ingots, use the west part of the smelter, with the water cooler. To smelt I to III ingots, use the east part, with armour chute.
Free players are limited to smelting ingots of metals from iron to steel of Grades I to III, and to depositing 4,000 iron ore and 8,000 coal in smelter.
The experience rates given for Grades I through III are the base rate for smithing burial armour.
The initial bonus rate for following Suak's Instructions is +10% (including decimals), though this can be increased by spending points on certain rewards.
Two experience rates are given for the smithing of ceremonial swords. The table gives rates for smithing 98% swords and perfect swords. Players should base their expected outcomes and costs based on the 98% number, as it is much more common to make a 98% sword instead of 100%. Once a player practices enough, 96-98% swords can consistently be made. If players are struggling hitting these numbers, they only need to practice more.
Metal | Burial armour | Ceremonial swords | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Level | Grade I ingot | Grade II ingot | Grade III ingot | Level | Grade IV ingot | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Ores | Coal | XP | +10% Bonus | GP/XP | Price | Ores | Coal | XP | +10% Bonus | GP/XP | Price | Ores | Coal | XP | +10% Bonus | GP/XP | Price | Ores | Coal | 98% XP | GP/XP (98%) |
Perfect XP | GP/XP (Perfect) |
Price | |||
Iron | 30 | 1 | 0 | 101 | 111.1 | 4.04 | 449 | 9 | 0 | 202 | 222.2 | 18.2 | 4,041 | 12 | 0 | 240 | 264 | 20.4 | 5,388 | 70 | 75 | 0 | 2,702 | 12.5 | 3,242 | 10.4 | 33,675 |
Steel | 45 | 1 | 2 | 131 | 144.1 | 4.7 | 673 | 4 | 7 | 253 | 278.3 | 9.3 | 2,580 | 9 | 17 | 354 | 389.5 | 15.3 | 5,945 | 75 | 40 | 80 | 3,782 | 7.1 | 4,538 | 5.9 | 26,920 |
Mithril | 60 | 1 | 4 | 164 | 180.4 | 3.6 | 645 | 3 | 12 | 316 | 347.6 | 5.6 | 1,935 | 6 | 24 | 404 | 444.4 | 8.7 | 3,870 | 80 | 30 | 120 | 4,539 | 4.3 | 5,446 | 3.6 | 19,350 |
Adamant | 70 | 1 | 6 | 278 | 305.8 | 2.94 | 899 | 3 | 14 | 455 | 500.5 | 4.5 | 2,249 | 4 | 22 | 568 | 624.8 | 5.4 | 3,372 | 85 | 25 | 150 | 5,728 | 3.9 | 6,873 | 3.4 | 22,475 |
Runite | 90 | 1 | 8 | 505 | 555.5 | 4.2 | 2,315 | 2 | 16 | 631 | 694.3 | 6.7 | 4,630 | 4 | 30 | 758 | 833.8 | 10.8 | 9,036 | 90 | 18 | 144 | 10,486 | 4 | 12,585 | 3.3 | 41,670 |
A selection of tools can be found on a workbench located immediately inside the ground floor entrance to the Workshop, on the southern side of the wall, and in the cannon repair room in the basement. On free servers, only hammers can be found on the workbench but members can also get a pair of tongs. A golden hammer cannot be used when making ceremonial swords. These tools are essential for training in the Artisans Workshop.
Wearing a Falador shield 4 provides a +5% XP and 'Respect' bonus in the Artisans Workshop.
Wearing Varrock armour can occasionally reduce the amount of time it takes to smith an item.
An Artisans' workshop respect enhancer in inventory will double respect earned.
A hammer-tron can be used.
Ground floor[]
Burial armour[]
Smithing burial armour for dwarf ancestors can be done on anvils in the eastern section of the ground floor of the workshop. Any hammer is required, as well as iron, steel, mithril, adamant, or rune ingots.
To learn how to do it, speak to Suak on the stage near the anvils; he will let Sten demonstrate the process in a repeatable cut-scene. Suak calls out which piece of armour to smith (which is also noted in a box at the top of your screen). Listening to him is highly advised, as it lets you gain extra experience if done correctly.
- To begin smithing, you must first withdraw your ingots. Select the type of ingot you'll want (I, II, or III) and click which metal you'll want. Grade I ingots require the same ores as bars of that metal and give the least experience, grade II ingots require greater quantities of the same ores and give more experience and grade III require even more ore and give even more experience. (Specific amounts can be found in the table above.) Grade III ingots offer the fastest experience, and grade I ingots will offer the best cost:xp and ore:xp ratios.
- Next, look what Suak says for bonus experience and smith that type of armour on the anvils next to him. Initially it takes 8 hits to make the 1st piece of armour, the following armour takes 6 hits to make. The time between making successive pieces of armour is 15 game ticks (9 seconds); the minimum time between pieces, if switching, is 19 game ticks. As soon as Suak's desired piece of armour changes, click the anvil and select that one. If the desired piece of armour changes while you are smithing the previous desired piece, if you continue and finish that piece you will still receive the bonus experience. One can make up to 9 pieces of armour before Suak changes preference, although you'll normally produce 6. Bonus experience can be used, but the respect earned, however, will not be doubled.
- When your inventory is full of armour, deposit everything in the chute next to the anvils, and collect more ingots. Repeat the process. The experience numbers are found here.
Many people like to train using iron I armour or steel I armour. It takes 5 minutes to smith a load of 28 burial armour items. It's 40,000 experience per hour for iron I, and 50,000 experience per hour for steel I armour. The respect gained from making armour is 1% per 10,000 experience. Making armour requires less clicking than fixing cannons.
Ingot type | Armour type | Helmet | Chestplate | Gauntlets | Boots |
I | Miner | Miner helmet | Miner chestplate | Miner gauntlets | Miner boots |
II | Warrior | Warrior helmet | Warrior chestplate | Warrior gauntlets | Warrior boots |
III | Smith | Smith helmet | Smith chestplate | Smith gauntlets | Smith boots |
Ceremonial swords[]

The interface of the furnace
Ceremonial swords smithing is available to members with a Smithing level of at least 70. Swords need Grade IV ingots.
Track room[]

Players smithing rail parts in Artisan's Workshop.
Dwarves are in constant need of new tracks for their mine cart network, to keep it in smooth working order, so they are more than happy to let anyone smith some new pieces of track. The cart track smithing area can be found in the workshop's basement; talk to Sten if you want a quick lesson in the process involved.
Tracks are made from grade I ingots of bronze, iron, or steel, which are provided free of charge in the large troughs in the area. Making steel cart tracks is members-only, but free-players can smith bronze and iron cart tracks. Simply grab an inventory of whatever ingots you want and are skilled enough to work with, then use them on the anvil. Each section of track requires five components to complete: some rails, a base plate, some spikes, a joint, and some ties, which require corresponding levels to smith.
Every piece of track shows a percentage completion of itself, indicated by 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% in their names. If you create a complete section of track (100%), you can earn extra Smithing experience per piece of track if you head through the nearby tunnels and lay it yourself. Any unfinished track (40%, 60%, 80%) will be automatically dumped into the mine carts on your way back out.
However, if you don't have the level required to make a complete piece of track in a metal type, you can build as many stages as you're able and then dump the parts in the nearby mine carts - the dwarves will finish them off later.
To make a complete section of bronze track requires a Smithing level of 12; iron track sections require 35 Smithing; and steel tracks require 60 Smithing.
It takes around 6 minutes to make 14 pieces of 100% complete track with a wielded hammer or the one on the tool belt, otherwise only 13 pieces of track can be made per inventory.
This method is not recommended to earn respect, as it will take around 1 hour to get 1% which is extremely slow compared to fixing pipes and slaying the dwarven ancestors on the top floor which gets you around 25% respect per hour.
Experience Chart
Rails | Base Plate | Track 40% | Spikes | Track 60% | Joint | Track 80% | Ties | Track 100% | Lay Track |
Total experience | Experience * 14 | Approx xp/hr | Approx xp/hr with daily challenge | |
Bronze(Lvl) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 8 | 9 | 11 | 12 | 12 | 49 | 686 | 6860 | ? |
Bronze(XP) | 1.4 | 1.4 | 6 | 1.4 | 7 | 1.4 | 9 | 1.4 | 10 | 10 | ||||
Iron(Lvl) | 15 | 19 | 20 | 24 | 25 | 29 | 30 | 34 | 35 | 35 | 84.5 | 1183 | 11830 | ? |
Iron(XP) | 5.1 | 5.1 | 10 | 5.1 | 11 | 5.1 | 12 | 5.1 | 13 | 13 | ||||
Steel(Lvl) | 39 | 44 | 45 | 49 | 50 | 54 | 55 | 59 | 60 | 60 | 145 | 2030 | 20300 | 59000 |
Steel(XP) | 8.8 | 8.8 | 13 | 8.8 | 16 | 8.8 | 22 | 8.8 | 25 | 25 |
Cannon repair[]

Cannon artwork included within the update.
(It is recommended to have an empty inventory before you start repairing the cannons)
The cannon repair area is in the workshop's basement, in its own chamber to the south-west. Members with level 62 Smithing or above can talk to Isak to get an idea on how to help him repair the decayed cannons that are brought in. It's a five-step process that requires only a hammer, cog mould, pipe mould, and cannonball mould (which can be obtained from the south-eastern desk) and between 2 and 12 steel ingots II. There are two smelter conveyors at the western and eastern walls for you to collect your ingots. If you attempt to leave this part of the workshop, Isak will take the broken parts and the moulds. You can use bonus experience. Once you have a hammer, all three moulds and some grade II steel ingots, just follow this process:
- Cannon base:
Pick up the broken base from the desk near Isak and empty it - there should be 10 broken cogs inside. Use all of these cogs on an anvil to attempt to repair them. If any break, you will need to make replacements by using your ingots in the furnace while holding the cog mould (found at the cannon mould desk). Once you have 10 cogs, put them back into the base and set the repaired base on the rocks in the centre of the room. Successfully repairing or smelting a cog yields 38.5 and placing the cannon base on the spot yields 403.7 xp (as do all parts when attached).- If you leave the workshop with broken cogs in you possession, Isak will take them but you will NOT get them back, meaning that you will have to forge new ones. If you leave with repaired cogs, he will not take them and you will not be able to bank them.
- Cannon stand:
Take the broken stand from the desk near Isak and empty it - inside are three broken pipes. To fix them, use them in the furnace with the pipe mould in your inventory, then put them back into the stand and set the repaired stand on the cannon base in the centre of the room. Fixing a pipe yields 3.5 xp. - Cannon barrel:
Take the broken barrel from the parts desk and use it with an anvil three times to fix it. Once done, set the repaired barrel on the cannon stand. Repairing the barrel yields three times 7.7 xp. - Cannon furnace:
Pick the broken cannon furnace from the last desk and empty it. Inside is a broken fuse box and a broken flint, both of which will need fixing on an anvil. Once fixed, fill the empty fuse box with gunpowder from the barrels located in the corners of the room, then put both components back into the furnace and place the repaired furnace on the cannon barrel. Repairing the fuse box and flint yields 15.2 xp. - Test cannon fire:
Now that the cannon is rebuilt, it will need test firing to calibrate it. Use only two of your steel ingots in a furnace while holding the cannonball mould to create 8 test cannonballs. Load the cannon to initiate the firing sequence. If the cannon breaks during the firing sequence, fix it with a hammer to get it back on track. Smithing four cannonballs yields 38.3 xp. A successful test yields 1731 experience.
This is cheaper than ceremonial swords for earning Respect, however it may be slower (only giving up to 70,000 experience per hour), especially at higher levels. Completely repairing and testing a cannon takes on average just under 3 minutes and earns 3,846 Smithing experience which yields 0.3846% respect for a total of approximately 76,920 experience and 7.692% respect per hour.
Distractions and Diversions[]

Mending a pipe.
These events seem the most useful for gaining respect; however, they are uncommon events.
- Burst pipes
- The burst pipes can be found on the floor of the main level around the furnace that gives you ingots; the burst pipes will have steam coming out of them.
- A minimum Smithing level of 50 is required to repair burst pipes. Boosts can be used.
- Fixing a burst pipe gives Smithing experience equal to two times the Smithing level prior to the purchase of Repair Expert.
- 50 more experience is received for fixing burst pipes after the Repair Expert reward is purchased, for a total of (level*2)+50 smithing experience.
- Burst pipes are instanced; each one will be seen by only one player. If not repaired, burst pipes persist for a long time (perhaps indefinitely), but they do not persist when a player logs out.
- Fixing pipes gives 0.25% respect.
- Only a maximum of 6 burst pipes may appear at a time: 3 on the north side of the workshop and 3 on the south side.
- There is a high chance a burst pipe may appear immediately after completing a ceremonial sword order.
- Animated suits of armour
- Miner ancestor: level 44
- Smith ancestor: level 46
- Warrior ancestor: level 47
- Killing the ancestors gives +0.1% respect.
- Ancestors are common to all players, up to two are animated at a time and they can only be animated when all six suits of armour are present at the walls.
- They have low life points, but players may wish to carry a good weapon with them to decrease the amount of time it takes to kill an ancestor and to get back to smithing.
- Players may hop between worlds to kill ancestors for respect.
- Bronze ceremonial swords
- Aksel will appear in a puff of smoke. He will be visible only to the player that he is appearing for.
- A player must speak to Aksel to be requested to make a bronze ceremonial sword, and must have an inventory slot open to receive permission.
- It is possible to get 4 or more orders from Aksel per hour, although the rate is random. In the beginning Aksel appears much more commonly; as you stay there, he becomes rarer and rarer.
- The one-time bonuses for ceremonial swords apply to bronze swords, as well.
- A cut diamond is given every time 90%+ performance is achieved.
- The first time a 91%+ performance is achieved, a one-time bonus of 5,000 experience is given.
- The first time a 100% performance is achieved, a one-time bonus of 15,000 experience is given.
- Smithing a bronze ceremonial sword with 100% performance gives Smithing experience equal to five times the Smithing level. Experience is prorated for less than 100% performance.

A Royale cannon

Elof's reward shop
Players can buy these rewards from Elof in the workshop's basement: Rewards from this training area include better experience from completing Suak's orders of burial armour, ceremonial swords, and upgrades for your own dwarf multicannon. Rewards can be bought using 'Respect', which is earned for working in the workshop. The respect goes up roughly 1% per 10k experience[1] (assuming no experience bonus is applied). Unlocking all permanent rewards is one of the requirements needed to get a trimmed completionist cape. Permanent rewards include all rewards except for the Sword Polishing Kit and Bonus Package, thus, a total of 590% respect is required for the trimmed completionist cape.
The max amount of respect percent a player can have is 100%; therefore, to earn more to get all rewards you must spend respect before you hit 100%.
Reward | Price (Respect) | Effect |
Quick Repairs | 5% | Repairing burst pipes in the Workshop's ceremonial swords area will become 50% faster. |
Repair Expert | 15% | Repairing the pipes gives 50 more Experience. |
Quick Learner | 20% | Experience gained for creation of assigned burial armour is increased by 2%. |
Budding Student (m) | 40% | Experience gained for creation of assigned burial armour is increased by 2%. Requires and stacks with Quick Learner for a 4% bonus. |
Master Student (m) | 60% | Experience gained for creation of assigned burial armour is increased by 1%. Requires and stacks with Quick Learner and Budding Student for a 5% bonus. |
Ceremonial Sword Plans I - V (m) | 30% each (150% in total) | Allows keeping a perfect ceremonial sword that looks close to the sword of the plans you have bought. (made from any metal.) |
Golden Cannon (m) | 50% | Allows turning the Dwarf multicannon to Golden version. Increases cannonball capacity to 60. |
Royale Cannon (m) | 100% | Allows turning the Dwarf multicannon to Royale version. Increases cannonball capacity to 90. Requires Golden Cannon. |
Restocking cannon (m) | 100% | Grants your cannon the ability to reload automatically. You must have cannonballs in your inventory and be within 15 squares for this to work.
Requires Royale Cannon. |
Ceremonial sword orders (m) | 50% | Increases the orders received by the workshop, occasionally allowing you to choose which ceremonial sword you wish to make. |
Sword polishing kit (m) | 10% | Gives 10 sword polishing kits, which - when held in your inventory - prevent a ceremonial sword from breaking. |
Bonus package (m) | 100% | Gives 8 mithril ingot IV, 4 adamant ingot IV, 2 rune ingot IV, 50,000 Bonus Smithing XP and 10 sword polishing kits. Note that the ingots in this bundle cannot be exchanged for ore, and do not count towards daily challenges. |
Total | 700% |
Once the gold or royale cannon upgrades have been purchased, a regular cannon can be converted by speaking to Elof. The restocking upgrade works for all three cannon variants.
- Work On Your Artisan (
20) - Unlock all rewards from the Artisans' Workshop.
- After an update, the armour smithing interface was changed. The progress meter was titled "Cooking" and had the cooking skill icon.
- According to the skill info repairing burst pipes are for members only, though free-to-play characters can get experience and fix them, as well as obtain the rewards for fixing them.
- The desk with moulds in the cannon repair room used to be called cannon barrel desk, even having the same examine text as the real barrel desk.
- The smelter can hold around 10,064,000 coins' worth of ore and is protected by the player's bank pin, so it can be used as "hack-insurance".
- When working on the anvils in the track room, the spark animation is always a few seconds delayed, the same amount of time that 1 item takes to be smithed, making it look like the animation is 1 smithing delayed.
- Two houses were taken out in order to make space for the workshop, one of which housed a scared man who claimed to have seen a "thing". He was removed and is no longer in the game.
- The workshop received an overhaul on 22 June 2015, reworking many of its features. Among the changes are new respect rewards and easier switching of burial armour smithing.
- The Artisan's workshop received a second graphical update during the Invasion of Falador event, and gave double experience and double respect during the event.
- Suak changes the armour type instructed every 100 or 110 game ticks, on average every 63 seconds.
- Mithril ingots are one of the most cost effective ingots to use, as mithril ore is very inexpensive compared to other ores.
- A glitch exists when using the ceremonial sword interface. Normally when a player runs out of cooldown or finishes the sword perfectly, the smithing interface automatically closes. If the player has a sword polishing kit in their inventory, breaks their sword and runs out of cooldown, the kit will stop the interface from closing as normal and allow the player to "continue working" without any cooldown left.