The ice-dyed Ascension crossbow is made by dyeing an Ascension crossbow with ice dye. This process is irreversible, and the dyed version is untradeable. It has the same combat bonuses and degrade/repair mechanics as the regular Ascension crossbow: it degrades to a broken state after 60,000 charges of combat (but loses 2 charges per hit, so has a minimum duration of 5 hours of combat) but can be repaired at Bob in Lumbridge, or at an armour stand.
If it is only partially degraded, then the cost of a full repair is multiplied by the percentage of item charge that needs to be repaired to produce the current repair cost.
template = Calculator:Template/Smithing/Armour stand
form = repairForm
result = repairResult
param = level|Smithing level (1-105)|1|int|1-105
param = charge|Item Charge|0.0|number|0.0-100.0
param = cost|cost|2000000|hidden|
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The result will appear here when you submit the form.