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This article is about the remains of fires. For other uses, see ash (disambiguation).

Ashes detail

Ashes, called fyreneght by some scientists, appear when a fire burns out, by picking the White lily or as the end result of smouldering Fever grass, Lavender, or Tansymum. Fire spirits can also provide noted Ashes as a potential reward from bonfire-training.

Although ashes have limited uses, their role in Herblore training through Serum 207 makes them valuable among Members. Free players can collect ashes from burnt out fires and Fire spirits, though the main, and arguably only free-to-play use for ashes, apart from training in the shotput room in the Warriors' Guild, is to sell them. Burning lines of cheap logs, (such as willow logs at 248 coins) is an effective way of obtaining large amounts of ashes. If players own a cat, hunting hellrats rewards them with ashes for each kill, which can potentially be even faster than log burning.

Members-only uses[]

Free-to-play uses[]

  • They can be crushed with a Pestle and mortar to make a Ground ashes, awarding the player with 1 Herblore experience (if the level cap hasn't been reached), used to dust the character's hands. This helps when throwing a shotput in the Warriors' Guild for better grip.

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Abyssal demon (Heart of Gielinor)1081Always
Abyssal guardian791Always
Abyssal leech721Always
Abyssal walker771Always
Air wizard161Always
Champion of Infernus1191Always
Dark energy core1051Always
Earth wizard221Always
Fire elemental441Always
Fire monster531Always
Fire wizard251Always
Greater reborn mage821Always
Greater reborn ranger821Always
Greater reborn warrior821Always
Lesser reborn mage681Always
Lesser reborn ranger681Always
Lesser reborn warrior681Always
Mummy (Jaldraocht Pyramid)771Always
Mummy (Ullek)741Always
Mutated zygomite58; 651Always
Nechryael (Dungeoneering)1121Always
Nechryael (Heart of Gielinor)1081Always
Reborn mage (Dungeoneering)40; 45; 51; 59; 64; 71; 77; 82; 90; 95; 1011Always
Skeleton Mage19; 491Always
Spectral attendant701Always
Spectral cultivator701Always
Spectral worshipper701Always
Water wizard191Always
Fire spiritN/A1–6Common
Flesh Crawler39; 401Common
Mystery boxN/A1Common
Crawling hand11; 181Uncommon
Imp herald981Uncommon
Pyrefiend61; 63; 67; 921Uncommon
Zombie11; 12; 22; 29; 72; 74; 75; 77; 78; 79; 82; 84; 851Uncommon


[FAQ] • [doc]


  • During the Draynor Bank Robbery, the victims dropped ashes when the Wise Old Man killed them.
  • Prior to the Demonic ashes update, most demons dropped ashes regardless of type.