The helm will degrade to a broken state after 100,000 charges of combat. It can be repaired using Tarddian crystals, restoring 7% per crystal (15 to fully repair).
Maximum amount of Tarddian crystals dropped and crystal fragments gathered are increased by 1 per piece. Each piece also increases the chance of receiving the ancient elven wedding ring, with attuned armour being doubly effective.
10% damage increase to crystal shapeshifters
Chance to activate attuned crystal weaponry increased by 6%
Chance of activating Tarddian fury (1.5% per piece to a maximum of 7.5%) which hits all surrounding opponents with damage using the following formula: (Ability Damage * Agility level) / 300
Tarddian fury can remove bleeds and stuns
Chance of harmonious resonance activating, granting a 10 second buff; Seren prayers will not drain prayer points, Aurora spells (excluding Sapphire) are twice as effective, crystallise will last 15 seconds longer and crystal mask will last 1 minute longer.
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