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For this item's standard variant, see crystal fishing rod.

Augmented crystal fishing rod detail

The augmented crystal fishing rod is a level 70 Invention tool that is created by using an augmentor on a crystal fishing rod. Being able to augment a crystal fishing rod requires the discovery of the fishing rod-o-matic at level 22 in Invention. The augmented crystal rod includes the success chance modifier of the unaugmented crystal rod.[1] It provides the same experience upon disassembly as the fishing rod-o-matic, but, unlike the rod-o-matic, the augmented crystal rod can only be used at fishing spots that would normally require a fishing rod, fly fishing rod, or heavy rod.

The augmented crystal rod is commonly compared to the fishing rod-o-matic; the differences between the two are further expanded upon below. The main appeal to the augmented crystal rod is the boost to catching fish, as well as the speed at which one can be created due to not requiring any components; both of these ultimately result in faster fishing experience rates, but come with a higher cost than the rod-o-matic. Due to the cost of crystal tool siphons, it's recommended to disassemble crystal rods at level 10, instead of siphoning them at level 12.

The Augmented crystal fishing rod uses charges stored in the universal charge pack. When the charge pack runs out of charges, the item loses stats and gizmo effects, and can also no longer gain any equipment experience. Function will resume when the pack is recharged with divine charges.

Combat Stats
RequirementsCharge drainAugmented crystal fishing rod equipped
NoneMain hand slot
NonePrevents attack
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

Comparison of augmented fishing tools[]

Rod Both rods Comparison
Fishing rod-o-matic
  • Base charge drain rate of 0.31 charges per second
  • Equipment experience gained is 11.8% of the base Fishing experience of the fish caught
  • Requires research unlocked at level 22 Invention
  • Siphons and disassembles as a tier-70 item for experience
  • Two sockets for tool gizmos, which can hold potentially useful perks
  • No base Fishing rate buff
  • Can be used to catch most types of fish
  • No quest/other requirements for any materials
  • Making the Fishing rod-o-matic requires a Fishing rod, costing 523 coins on the Grand Exchange or 5 coins at fishing shops
  • Various components are needed to make the Fishing rod-o-matic, which may be fairly expensive
Augmented crystal fishing rod
  • Requires level 90 Strength, Ranged, Agility, and level 93 Fishing.
  • An unaugmented crystal rod requires Plague's End and the ability to craft it must be unlocked for 3,000 crystal urchin points from the Prifddinas Waterfall Fishing Shop
  • 5% more likely to catch fish
  • Can only catch fish which can be caught with a fishing rod, fly fishing rod, or heavy rod
  • Costs
    • Making a crystal rod requires a crystal tool seed, costing 83,418 coins
    • A crystal rod requires either 150 Harmonic dust or 102,000 coins to 510,000 coins to create - the minimum price is reached after 5 enchantments
    • Various components are needed to make an augmentor, which may be fairly expensive; alternatively, an augmentor may be purchased on the Grand Exchange for 590,305 coins
    • Total cost is 775,723 coins at minimum price for crystal rod. Less coins spent if various components already obtained.
  • Siphons
    • An Equipment siphon siphons experience at a tier 70 equipment rate. It can be made or may be purchased on the Grand Exchange for 296,892 coins
    • The Crystal tool siphon siphons experience at a tier 90 equipment rate providing up to 162,000 more experience, at an increased cost of the siphon
      • Various components are needed to make a crystal tool siphon, which may be fairly expensive; alternatively, it may be purchased on the Grand Exchange for 673,404 coins


[FAQ] • [doc]

The Augmented crystal fishing rod can be levelled up by using it. The equipment experience required for each level and the effect of disassembly is as follows:

This item is a crystal tool, so it can be siphoned with either an equipment siphon, or a crystal tool siphon for increased experience.

Table of experience and effect
Equipment siphonCrystal tool siphon
Invention experience (tier 70) Item effects
Disassembly Siphon GP/XP
1 0 0 N/A N/A
2 1,160 7,650 Disassembling this item has a 50% chance to return installed gizmos.
3 2,607 22,950 Disassembling this item gives double materials.
4 5,176 45,900 7,650 38.81 Disassembling this item never gives junk.
5 8,286 91,800 22,950 12.94 This item drains 10% less charge when used.
6 11,760 122,400 45,900 6.47 Disassembling this item gives triple materials.
7 15,835 168,300 91,800 3.23 Disassembling this item gives an extra random uncommon material.
8 21,152 229,500 122,400 2.43 Disassembling this item returns all installed gizmos.
9 28,761 321,300 168,300 1.76 Disassembling this item gives quadruple materials.
10 40,120 459,000 229,500 1.29 Disassembling this item gives the maximum extra Invention XP.
11 57,095 321,300 0.92 N/A
12 81,960 459,000 0.65 Siphoning this item gives the maximum extra Invention XP.
13 117,397 0.32 Siphoning this item has a 50% chance to not consume the siphon.
14 166,496 This item drains 12.5% less charge when used.
15 232,886 This item can now be used with an Equipment separator.
16 320,080 0.00 Siphoning this item no longer consumes the siphon.
17 432,785 Using the Equipment separator on this item has a 25% chance to not consume the separator.
18 575,592 This item drains 15% less charge when used.
19 753,631 Using the Equipment separator on this item has a 50% chance to not consume the separator.
20 972,440 Helpful perks will activate 10% (multiplicative) more frequently. See Perk benefits for a list of perks that are known to be affected.
Invention experience (tier 70) Item effects
Disassembly Siphon GP/XP
1 0 0 N/A N/A
2 1,160 7,650 Disassembling this item has a 50% chance to return installed gizmos.
3 2,607 22,950 Disassembling this item gives double materials.
4 5,176 45,900 10,350 65.06 Disassembling this item never gives junk.
5 8,286 91,800 31,050 21.69 This item drains 10% less charge when used.
6 11,760 122,400 62,100 10.84 Disassembling this item gives triple materials.
7 15,835 168,300 124,200 5.42 Disassembling this item gives an extra random uncommon material.
8 21,152 229,500 165,600 4.07 Disassembling this item returns all installed gizmos.
9 28,761 321,300 227,700 2.96 Disassembling this item gives quadruple materials.
10 40,120 459,000 310,500 2.17 Disassembling this item gives the maximum extra Invention XP.
11 57,095 434,700 1.55 N/A
12 81,960 621,000 1.08 Siphoning this item gives the maximum extra Invention XP.
13 117,397 0.54 Siphoning this item has a 50% chance to not consume the siphon.
14 166,496 This item drains 12.5% less charge when used.
15 232,886 This item can now be used with an Equipment separator.
16 320,080 0.00 Siphoning this item no longer consumes the siphon.
17 432,785 Using the Equipment separator on this item has a 25% chance to not consume the separator.
18 575,592 This item drains 15% less charge when used.
19 753,631 Using the Equipment separator on this item has a 50% chance to not consume the separator.
20 972,440 Helpful perks will activate 10% (multiplicative) more frequently. See Perk benefits for a list of perks that are known to be affected.


  1. ^ Jagex. Mod Moltare's Twitter account. 14:54 14 March 2016. Mod Moltare: "'Does an augmented crystal rod still have the +5% success chance when fishing?' - It should."