RuneScape Wiki
For this item's standard variant, see superior vesta's longsword.

Augmented superior Vesta's longsword detail Augmented superior Vesta's longsword is a tier 88 one-handed melee weapon, created at an Inventor's workbench by using an augmentor and divine charges on a superior Vesta's longsword.

The Augmented superior Vesta's longsword uses charges stored within the item (not in the universal charge pack). It degrades exactly as the non-augmented version does: it has 100,000 charges of combat. These charges can be replenished by combining it with a non-dyed, augmented variant of the same item. This will combine the charges of both items but any excess charge will be lost, furthermore only one version may have perks on it. When combining two items the greater item experience of the two items is retained.

The item can be trained and siphoned as normal while it has charges. Once it runs out of charges, it will retain its equipment bonuses until it reaches equipment level 10, where it will become unusable and has to be recharged or be disassembled. Additionally, using the weapon's special attack will drain 100 charges, or 0.1% of maximum charge. The special attack cannot be used if there are 0 charges remaining.

Unlike normal augmented items, this item is made at an Inventor's workbench from a new, fully charged item, an augmentor, and 36 divine charges. It cannot be made from a partially used component. Augmentation dissolvers cannot be used on this item.

Weapon gizmos charged with perks can be used to enhance the weapon's abilities. As a two-handed weapon, the Augmented superior Vesta's longsword can hold 1 gizmos, allowing up to 2 perks.

Using this weapon in combat can gain experience to increase its level. Leveling the weapon will have no effect on its ability in combat, but it will improve the experience and materials gained for disassembling it.

Combat Stats
RequirementsDegradesAugmented superior Vesta's longsword equipped
88 Attack100,000 charges
Attack MeleeMain hand slot
Fast (3.0s)
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses


Augmented superior Vesta's longsword Augmented superior Vesta's longsword
Invention-Make-X GE icon
100 XP--
Invention Invention level16
Blueprint (Invention) Discover: Augmented armour
Blueprint (Invention) Discover: Augmentor
P2P icon Members onlyYes
Superior Vesta's longswordSuperior Vesta's longsword111,591,64511,591,645
Divine chargeDivine charge36120,6834,344,588
Total price15,936,233


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The Augmented superior Vesta's longsword can be levelled up by using it. The equipment experience required for each level and the effect of disassembly is as follows:

Table of experience and effect
Invention experience (tier 88) Item effects
Disassembly Siphon GP/XP
1 0 0 N/A N/A
2 1,160 10,080 Disassembling this item has a 50% chance to return installed gizmos.
3 2,607 30,240 Disassembling this item gives double materials.
4 5,176 60,480 10,080 29.45 Disassembling this item never gives junk.
5 8,286 120,960 30,240 9.82 This item drains 10% less charge when used.
6 11,760 161,280 60,480 4.91 Disassembling this item gives triple materials.
7 15,835 221,760 120,960 2.45 Disassembling this item gives an extra random uncommon material.
8 21,152 302,400 161,280 1.84 Disassembling this item returns all installed gizmos.
9 28,761 423,360 221,760 1.34 Disassembling this item gives quadruple materials.
10 40,120 604,800 302,400 0.98 Disassembling this item gives the maximum extra Invention XP.
11 57,095 423,360 0.70 N/A
12 81,960 604,800 0.49 Siphoning this item gives the maximum extra Invention XP.
13 117,397 0.25 Siphoning this item has a 50% chance to not consume the siphon.
14 166,496 This item drains 12.5% less charge when used.
15 232,886 This item can now be used with an Equipment separator.
16 320,080 0.00 Siphoning this item no longer consumes the siphon.
17 432,785 Using the Equipment separator on this item has a 25% chance to not consume the separator.
18 575,592 This item drains 15% less charge when used.
19 753,631 Using the Equipment separator on this item has a 50% chance to not consume the separator.
20 972,440 Helpful perks will activate 10% (multiplicative) more frequently. See Perk benefits for a list of perks that are known to be affected.