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Avantoe potion (unf) detail

An avantoe potion (unf) is an unfinished potion made via the Herblore skill. Players make it by using a clean avantoe on a vial of water.

It can be used to make the fishing potion at level 50 by adding a snape grass, earning 112.5 experience, the super energy potion at level 52 by adding a mort myre fungus, earning 117.5 experience, and the hunter potion at level 53 by adding kebbit teeth dust, rewarding 120 experience.


Avantoe potion (unf) Avantoe potion (unf)
Herblore-Make-X GE icon
1 XP-1,896
Herblore Herblore level48
P2P icon Members onlyYes
Vial of waterVial of water19696
Clean avantoeClean avantoe11,1511,151
Total price1,247


Level Potion Secondary Ingredient XP Cost Cost/XP
50 Fishing potion Snape grass 112.5 −1,631 −14.5
52 Super energy potion Mort Myre Fungi 117.5 −1,326 −11.29
53 Hunter potion Kebbit teeth dust 120 −1,653 −13.77

These costs are calculated based on buying the unfinished potion premade. This allows you to skip putting clean avantoe in a vial of water. However, this method is more expensive. The extra loss accumulated via this method is −649 per potion, however, the experience per hour is doubled.


The profit for making an unfinished avantoe potion using either a vial of water or filling your own vial is as follows.

Herb: Using Vial of Water Filling your own Vial
Clean 649 743
Grimy 757 851

Money making[]

Making avantoe potions with scroll of cleansing
Profit Skill requirements Other requirements Experience
1,681,020 49 Herblore
49 Dungeoneering
None 2,200 Herblore


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