RuneScape Wiki
This article is about the cooked version. For the raw version, see Raw bacon pile.

Bacon pile detail

A bacon pile is made by cooking a raw bacon pile on a fire or range, requiring 34 Cooking and giving 108 experience. It heals 700 life points. Cooked bacon piles cannot be used to make heaps or mounds of bacon.


Bacon pile Bacon pile
Cooking-Make-X GE icon
108 XP-229
Cooking Cooking level34
Quests Completed Bringing Home the Bacon
P2P icon Members onlyYes
Raw bacon pileRaw bacon pile1N/A-


[FAQ] • [doc]
Raw Cooked Cooking level Experience Heals Total bacon
Raw bacon Bacon 14 68 300 1
Raw bacon stack Bacon stack 24 88 500 2
Raw bacon pile Bacon pile 34 108 700 4
Raw bacon heap Bacon heap 44 135 900 8
Raw bacon mound Bacon mound 54 158 1100 16