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Bandit looters are found south of Uzer, attempting to loot a pyramid there. There are five looters, one female and four male, all dressed differently. Since the pyramid is in the desert, protection from desert heat is advised.

In the Missing My Mummy quest, the player discovers that they were hired by Ali Morrisane to loot the pyramid for him. They cannot enter the pyramid's entrance as a magic force blocks them. However, during the quest, it is revealed that some of the looters managed to enter the first level of the pyramid through a tunnel Ali the Engineer dug on the north side of the pyramid. The tunnel collapsed, killing Ali the Engineer. The looters trapped inside the pyramid subsequently died from the curse that protects the pyramid from unwelcome visitors. Their flesh withered away, turning them into undead skeleton looters that the player can awaken.


Outside Pharaoh Queen Senliten's pyramid, south-east of the ruins of Uzer.


100% Drops[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price

Main drops[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Coins 250Coins67–882Common67–882
Water runeWater rune3–17Common75–425
Fire runeFire rune1–26Common159–4,134
Cosmic runeCosmic rune1–6Common412–2,472
Chaos runeChaos rune8–10Common1,216–1,520
Nature runeNature rune1–5Uncommon405–2,025
Law runeLaw rune1–5Uncommon570–2,850
Grimy guamGrimy guam1Common709
Grimy marrentillGrimy marrentill1Common2,307
Grimy tarrominGrimy tarromin1Uncommon105
Grimy ranarrGrimy ranarr1Rare1,860
Grimy iritGrimy irit1Rare5,008
Grimy avantoeGrimy avantoe1Rare1,043
Grimy cadantineGrimy cadantine1Rare4,322
Grimy lantadymeGrimy lantadyme1Rare7,551
WaterskinWaterskin (0)1Common133
WaterskinWaterskin (1)1CommonNot sold
WaterskinWaterskin (2)1CommonNot sold
WaterskinWaterskin (3)1CommonNot sold
Waterskin (4)Waterskin (4)1Common475
Desert shirtDesert shirt1Common246
SilkSilk10 (noted)Common1,230
Steel battleaxeSteel battleaxe1Uncommon1,929
Mithril helmMithril helm1Uncommon1,507
Granite (500g)Granite (500g)1Uncommon1,320

Tertiary drops[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Sealed clue scroll (easy)Sealed clue scroll (easy)1Very rareNot sold

Universal drops[]

Universal drops are dropped by nearly every monster outside of Daemonheim.
These drops are dropped alongside main drops.
Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Key tokenKey token1RareNot sold
Mimic kill tokenMimic kill token1Very rare5,575


  • Some, if not all, of the looters apparently come from Pollnivneach, Ali Morrisane's home town. During Missing My Mummy, several of the looters are mentioned by name. All of whom are mentioned to have the first name 'Ali', like the regular residents of Pollnivneach.