RuneScape Wiki

Bandos's Memories is an achievement that requires the player to fill Bandos's Memories by collecting an additional 13 Bandos chronicles after The Mighty Fall.

This includes the one which is automatically unlocked when the book is received upon the completion of The Mighty Fall. After the quest, Yu'biusk can be accessed only by the portal east of Goblin Village.

Teleport to the Falador lodestone and run north until the entrance to Goblin Village is reached, east of it is a big green portal which can be used to teleport to Yu'biusk.

Memory Location
In the troll camp east of the entrance.
Along the path south of the troll camp.
Along the path to Zarador.
The ogre camp east of Zarador.
Up the ladder south of Zarador.
Graardor's camp southwest of the same ladder.
Graardor's "secret weapon" camp to the east.
The plateau south of the cyclops camp.
Back down the ladder, Bork's camp east of the player's camp.
The player's camp.
Under the bridge to the north of the player's camp.
Southern part of the goblin camp.
Northern part of the goblin camp.
Yu'biusk (Bandos's Arena) map

The green dots represent locations of Bandos chronicles.
