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RuneScape Wiki
For the Lucky version, see Lucky Bandos boots.

Bandos boots detail

Bandos boots are part of the Bandos armour set, which requires 70 Defence to wear. They are dropped by General Graardor and his sergeants in the God Wars Dungeon. They are classed as Power armour.

The boots are commonly used for protection against Bandos followers. Wearing these boots will prevent followers of Bandos from attacking players in the God Wars Dungeon.

After the release of the Evolution of Combat, the price of Bandos boots reached over 2 million coins in the Grand Exchange. They are now considered to be the fourth best boots for melee in game after Torva, Steadfast and Emberkeen boots.

Combat Stats
RequirementsBandos armour equipped male
70 Defence
Attack MeleeFeet slot
70Power armour
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour64PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

Drop sources[]

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Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
General Graardor210; 6241Rare
Sergeant Grimspike1021Very rare
Sergeant Steelwill1021Very rare
Sergeant Strongstack1021Very rare


[FAQ] • [doc]


  • Bandos boots had the strongest defence stats for any pair of boots until steadfast boots were released with the Ritual of the Mahjarrat quest.
  • On the day of the release of the new hitsplats and damage soaking, there was a glitch in the knowledge database that stated that Bandos boots had damage absorption properties. This was a mistake, as the bonuses belonged to the Bandos chestplate and not the boots. This has been fixed.
  • The boots change their appearance slightly when sheathing and unsheathing. This can be better noticed on the customisation interface.
  • Bandos boots are the only item in the Bandos set that do not get a server-wide announcement.