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This article is about God Wars Dungeon drop. For the Treasure Trails reward, see Bandos platebody.
For this item's augmented variant, see augmented bandos chestplate.
For other variants of this item, see lucky.

Bandos chestplate detail

A Bandos chestplate is a part of the Bandos armour set, requiring 70 Defence to wear. It is dropped by General Graardor and his bodyguards in the God Wars Dungeon. It is classed as Power armour.

The Bandos chestplate has the second best armour rating of any non-degradable melee body equal to the Third-age platebody; however, the Bandos chestplate offers both a prayer and strength bonus which the Third-Age platebody lacks. The only better non-degradable body is the Anima Core Body of Zaros, and including degradable equipment, it is surpassed by the Superior tetsu body, Tetsu body, Torva platebody, Vesta's chainbody, Statius's platebody, and Barrows equipment.

When received with CoinShare active, the Bandos chestplate will be dropped as 120 Bandos chestplate shards split evenly among the players and sent directly to their banks. 120 shards can be combined to create this item.

Combat Stats
Bandos armour equipped maleBandos armour equipped female
70 Defence70Power armour
Attack MeleeTorso slotDefenceArmour298
ConstitutionLife points0
Damage--Damage reduction
Accuracy--PvM: 0%PvP: 2.1%
Style-Style bonuses

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
General Graardor210; 6241Rare
Sergeant Grimspike1021Very rare
Sergeant Steelwill1021Very rare
Sergeant Strongstack1021Very rare


[FAQ] • [doc]


  • This armour is not considered to be metallic when using any of Ava's devices.
  • The inventory icon for a Bandos chestplate was missing both the shoulder spikes and the sleeve. It also resembled the male version of the chestplate more than the female version. This was fixed after the graphical update on 6 March 2012.
  • Before the graphical update, the shoulder piece on the female version appeared to be slightly bigger and rounder than the one on the male version. This may be due to the fact that the model for female characters is smaller than that of male characters, making the shoulder piece appear larger. There was also an extra side piece on the female version.
  • Before the graphical update, the gauntlet-like pieces of the chestplate, near where gloves would be equipped, differed by the player's gender. The male version of the chestplate seemed to have 3 layers of hand plating, while the female version had 2.
  • The chestplate, along other Bandos armour, underwent yet another graphical update on 3 July 2012.
  • The chestplate, along with many other items, received a small damage boost on 14 January 2013.
  • Ironically, while the armour is called Bandos chestplate, it barely appears to cover the chest for males.