The banner shows either an image of a champion that the player has defeated, or the number of champions that the player has defeated in roman numerals. The banner carrier's examine text changes depending on what banner he is wielding. Players may change the banner displayed simply by talking to him. It is important to note that even though banner carriers are pets, they do not appear on the Familiar tab and Interact is not possible via Familiar Options. As such, players can only interact with them by clicking on the carrier if Hide familiar options is unchecked.
The leprechaun banner carrier. (discontinued)
The earth warrior banner carrier.
The ghoul banner carrier.
The hill giant banner carrier.
The goblin banner carrier.
The hobgoblin banner carrier.
The imp banner carrier.
The jogre banner carrier.
The lesser demon banner carrier.
The skeleton banner carrier
The zombie banner carrier.
The Leon D'Cour banner carrier.
The banshee banner carrier.
The aberrant spectre banner carrier.
The mummy banner carrier.
The Glophren banner carrier.
If the player calls the banner carrier, a leprechaun's face appears on the banner for a split second. This is probably a glitch.
There was a bug where if the player faced the Grand Exchange booth and summoned the imp, he would appear inside the booth with the bankers and Grand Exchange clerks. He could not move unless the player moved away far enough so that he would reappear next to the player. This has been fixed.
When the player asks the banner carrier whether he is getting tired of carrying a banner around, the banner carrier tells the player that another imp replaces him when he's tired, and that the player didn't notice the last time he got replaced.
Snow imps had the same chathead as the banner carriers (in different colours), but theirs was updated with the 2009 Christmas Event. The banner carriers still have the old chathead.
Banner carriers are one of four permanent imps that can be spoken with, along with Zimberfizz, the imps contained in magic boxes and the snow imps found in the Land of Snows. Other imps such as the Imp (2015 Easter event) were only temporary.
The Banner Carrier is a lighter shade of red than normal imps.
The Leprechaun Champion used to give calling beads and the possible banners included him. However, sometime after he stopped giving them as the match was informal with no scroll required.