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Barb-tail harpoon detail

A barb-tail harpoon is a one-handed wieldable harpoon obtained by hunting barb-tailed kebbits. As well as being a weapon, it can also be used for fishing. Prior to the addition of the tool belt, many players preferred to use this harpoon over the regular harpoon, as it could be wielded and did not fill an inventory slot, allowing an extra fish to be caught. It also requires no Attack level to wield, but requires level 35 Fishing to be used. It has lower stats than a bronze sword.

When using the barb-tail harpoon while fishing, the animation suggests an attempt to catch fish 12.5% faster than when using a regular harpoon. For example, the time it takes to complete 8 "stabs" (or animation cycles) into the water with a regular harpoon is the same amount of time it takes to complete 9 "stabs" (or animation cycles) with a barb-tail harpoon. This does not affect catching speed at all, however; the animation is faster but the speed has been proven to be the same (for example, the sacred clay harpoon, with an extremely short animation, catches at the same speed as a normal harpoon).

It cannot be used to create ibis pouches, normal harpoons must be used for that.

Combat Stats
RequirementsBarb-tail harpoon equipped
Attack MeleeMain hand slot
Fast (3.0s)
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

Drop sources[]

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Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Barb-tailed kebbitN/A1Always
Scorpion (Uncharted Isles)931ā€“5Common
Flying jellyfish934Unknown


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  • When the "deposit-all" option was added to the banks of RuneScape, players were more inclined to use the barb-tail harpoon for harpoon fishing spots, as they could quickly bank their inventory without depositing their equipped harpoon.
  • As of 6 December 2011, the barb-tail harpoon was rendered less useful with the release of the tool belt, as players can save an inventory space while using a regular harpoon. However, players with the requirements to do barehand fishing will not use the harpoon from their tool belt, making the barb-tail harpoon more useful in this circumstance.
  • The examine text refers to how the kebbits use their barbed tails to catch fish.