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Attack mix detail

Barbarian mixes are potions that have added roe or caviar to give them a small healing benefit along with the standard effect.

In order to be able to make Barbarian mixes, Otto Godblessed must be talked to, located at Otto's Grotto (west of Baxtorian Falls). He will teach the basic Barbarian skills needed to get the special ingredients for these mixes. He also teaches the decanting of 4 dose potions into two 2-dose potions by using any 4-dose potion on an empty vial.

Barbarian potion requirements:

All mixes that only require roe will heal 300 life points per dose. All mixes that require caviar heal 600 life points per dose, with an exception of energy and combat mixes. Using caviar on potions that can be made from roe is possible but will not make the potion heal 600 life points per dose, the potion will still heal the usual 300 life points. Apart from healing, all potions have the same effect as their corresponding normal potion seen in the table above.

Potion LP healed Level required XP gained Secondary ingredient
Attack mix (2) Attack mix 300 4 8 Roe Roe or Caviar Caviar
Ranging mix (2) Ranging mix 300 5 8 Roe Roe or Caviar Caviar
Magic mix (2) Magic mix 300 7 8 Roe Roe or Caviar Caviar
Strength mix (2) Strength mix 300 9 17 Roe Roe or Caviar Caviar
Relicym's mix (2) Relicym's mix 300 9 14 Roe Roe or Caviar Caviar
Defence mix (2) Defence mix 600 11 25 Caviar Caviar
Antipoison mix (2) Antipoison mix 300 15 1.2 Roe Roe or Caviar Caviar
Restore mix (2) Restore mix 300 24 21 Roe Roe or Caviar Caviar
Energy mix (2) Energy mix 300 29 23 Caviar Caviar
Agility mix (2) Agility mix 600 37 27 Caviar Caviar
Combat mix (2) Combat mix 300 40 28 Caviar Caviar
Prayer mix (2) Prayer mix 600 42 29 Caviar Caviar
Super attack mix (2) Super attack mix 600 47 33 Caviar Caviar
Anti-p supermix (2) Super anti-poison mix 600 51 35 Caviar Caviar
Fishing mix (2) Fishing mix 600 53 38 Caviar Caviar
Super energy mix (2) Super energy mix 600 56 39 Caviar Caviar
Hunting mix (2) Hunting mix 600 58 40 Caviar Caviar
Super strength mix (2) Super strength mix 600 59 42 Caviar Caviar
Magic essence mix (2) Magic essence mix 600 61 43 Caviar Caviar
Super restore mix (2) Super restore mix 600 67 48 Caviar Caviar
Super defence mix (2) Super defence mix 600 71 50 Caviar Caviar
Antidote+ mix (2) Antidote+ mix 600 74 52 Caviar Caviar
Antifire mix (2) Antifire mix 600 75 53 Caviar Caviar
Super ranging mix (2) Super ranging mix 600 80 54 Caviar Caviar
Super magic mix (2) Super magic mix 600 83 57 Caviar Caviar
Zamorak mix (2) Zamorak mix 600 85 58 Caviar Caviar