The Barmaid is a dwarven woman who can be found in the Laughing Miner Pub in Keldagrim. Beer can be purchased for 2 coins, and Stew can be bought for 20 coins. If she is asked about the Rowdy dwarf outside, she explains that he's the cheapeast labour they could find, and that they pay him in beer. When Postie Pete occasionally visits the pub, she has a short chat with him.
She can be asked about Kelda stout during the Forgettable Tale... quest, although she claims not to have any. Later on, if you manage to misplace the stout you brew yourself, you can get some more from her, as she managed to find a bit.
She is also involved in the Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf quest, and mentions how she saw Veldaban with his "lady friend" previously. A Guardsman's stout must be purchased from her for Veldaban.