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Barrel (Viyeldi caves)
Release date 20 August 2003 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest Legends' Quest
Location Viyeldi caves
Examine Strangely, there's a locked barrel here, I wonder what's inside.

Barrels are found in the Viyeldi caves during or after the Legends' Quest. Smashing them will reveal a random item, a death wing, or both.

Getting there[]

To reach the area containing the barrels, one must have started the Legends' Quest and passed through the third Ancient Gate in the dungeon (for explicit directions, please refer to the Legends' Quest page).

Smashing the barrels[]

The success of opening the barrel is dependent upon Attack levels. By selecting the 'smash' option on a barrel, one (or more, in some cases) of the following can occur:

  • A death wing could appear
  • Random item(s) could appear on the ground
  • The player could be unable to smash the barrel
  • The barrel could explode, resulting in a random amount of damage between 60 and 120
  • The player's Attack level could be temporarily reduced by 1-3 levels

After a barrel is opened, it will respawn in a random location in the room.



Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Air runeAir rune1–11Uncommon90–990
Water runeWater rune1–11Common25–275
Earth runeEarth rune1–12Common18–216
Fire runeFire rune1–12Common159–1,908

Herbs and potions[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Grimy snake weedGrimy snake weed1UncommonNot sold
Strength potion (1)Strength potion (1)1Uncommon391
Defence potion (1)Defence potion (1)1Uncommon579
Prayer potion (1)Prayer potion (1)1Rare651


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Dark daggerDark dagger1Common[1]Not sold
Glowing daggerGlowing dagger1Common[1]Not sold
Bronze pickaxeBronze pickaxe1Rare1,456
Steel pickaxeSteel pickaxe1Rare1,887
Bronze knifeBronze knife1Uncommon37
Bronze dartBronze dart1Uncommon69
Iron knifeIron knife1Uncommon61
Iron dartIron dart1Rare46
Steel knifeSteel knife1Uncommon107
Steel dartSteel dart1Rare17
Mithril knifeMithril knife1Uncommon183
Mithril dartMithril dart1Rare30
Adamant knifeAdamant knife1Rare374
Rune knifeRune knife1Uncommon395
  1. ^ a b Can be dropped in addition to other items.


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Spinach rollSpinach roll1UncommonNot sold
Slice of cakeSlice of cake1Uncommon996
Half a redberry pieHalf a redberry pie1Uncommon954
Half a meat pieHalf a meat pie1Uncommon667
Half an apple pieHalf an apple pie1Uncommon1,027
Raw lobsterRaw lobster1–2 (noted)Rare[1]353–706
LobsterLobster1–3 (noted)Rare[1]141–423
Raw bassRaw bass1–2 (noted)Rare[1]1,014–2,028
BassBass1–2 (noted)Rare[1]299–598
Raw swordfishRaw swordfish1–2 (noted)Rare[1]341–682
SwordfishSwordfish1–2 (noted)Rare[1]157–314
Raw sharkRaw shark1–3 (noted)Rare[1]1,427–4,281
SharkShark1–2 (noted)Rare[1]1,933–3,866
  1. ^ a b c d e f g h 4-10 different notes are dropped at once.

Ore, bars, and logs[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Iron oreIron ore(noted)Rare[1]449
Silver oreSilver ore1–2 (noted)Rare[1]138–276
CoalCoal1–4 (noted)Rare[1]112–448
Gold oreGold ore(noted)Rare[1]587
Mithril oreMithril ore(noted)Rare[1]197
Iron barIron bar1–2 (noted)Very rare[1]1,053–2,106
Silver barSilver bar(noted)Rare[1]574
Steel barSteel bar(noted)Rare[1]959
Gold barGold bar(noted)Rare[1]1,168
Gold barGold bar1Uncommon1,168
Mithril barMithril bar(noted)Very rare[1]682
Willow logsWillow logs1–2 (noted)Rare[1]248–496
Maple logsMaple logs(noted)Rare[1]108
Yew logsYew logs1–3 (noted)Rare[1]167–501
  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m 4-10 different notes are dropped at once.


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Coins 25Coins5–90Uncommon5–90
Unpowered orbUnpowered orb1Common724
Unlit torchUnlit torch1Uncommon20
Ship ticketShip ticket1UncommonNot sold
Archery ticketParamaya ticket1RareNot sold
Rock (limestone)Rock (limestone)1–3Common[1]Not sold
  1. ^ a b Can be dropped in addition to other items.


  • If there is an item on the ground and a barrel spawns on the same tile, the item will appear on top of the barrel.
  • It is possible for a barrel to spawn on a tile occupied by a player, but it is not possible to walk onto a barrel otherwise.
  • Anomaly. If a barrel is smashed and only a rope appears, the chatbox will read "You smash the barrel open. There's nothing in the barrel."
  • Anomaly. Sometimes nothing will appear after a barrel is smashed, but the chatbox will only read "You smash the barrel open."
  • Each noted item from the barrel was dropped as a certificate in RuneScape Classic.
  • The barrels were called Strange Barrels in RuneScape Classic.
  • In Runescape Classic, a much wider range of monsters could appear after smashing the barrels.