All Life points: 4,000
Life points1: 4,000
All Life points: 2,750
Life points2: 2,750
All Slayer experience: 79.6
Slayer experience1: 79.6
All Slayer experience: 47.6
Slayer experience2: 47.6
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 211.5
Combat experience1: 211.5
All Combat experience: 166.8
Combat experience2: 166.8
All Release date: 26 January 2005
Release date: 26 January 2005
All Combat level: 77
Combat level1: 77
All Combat level: 70
Combat level2: 70
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 1616
NPC ID1: 1616
All NPC ID: 1617
NPC ID2: 1617
The Slayer helmet will not help. Without the shield or mask, the player's stats will be greatly reduced, and the player will take damage frequently, even if a safe spot is used. Protect from Melee/Deflect melee can reduce damage from the attack, as it is still a melee attack, but the stats will still be lowered.
Basilisks are weak to air spells, so it is advisable to bring some air runes, a good wand, and decent magic armour. Players with level 70 Defence or above will not get hit very often, so one can bring less food and have more inventory space available for drops. However, you may get hit a somewhat large amount, particularly if you are not using magic. Bones to peaches is highly recommended for lower levels. The Pollnivneach Slayer Dungeon has many safe spots created by rocks in the floor. It is also possible to safe spot them from the south in the Fremennik Slayer Dungeon the eastern wall near the south entrance. You still need a mirror shield or similar item even if you kill Basilisks from a safe spot.
The name "Basilisk" comes from the Greek word "basilískos" (βασιλίσκος), which means "Little King".
The fact that a player needs a Mirror shield to fight Basilisks is derived from the European legend of Basilisks, which had the power to cause death with just a single glance and were reputed to cause an unwanted death to themselves if they saw their reflection.