RuneScape Wiki

Batta tin detail

A batta tin is used for making battas in the Gnome Restaurant minigame. It can be obtained in the Grand Tree by buying from the Gnome Restaurant food shop owned by Hudo, by searching the nearby cupboard to find one, or by looting it from the gnomes in the stronghold. If one Gianne dough is added into the tin a Raw batta is created, and if this is cooked over the gnome cooker or any other range, half baked batta will made. From here, any of the battas in the gnome cuisine can be made. Examples of battas include worm batta, toad batta, cheese and tomato batta, fruit batta, and vegetable batta.

Store locations[]

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Seller Location Cost Currency Base stock Members?

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Gnome child11Common
Gnome guard531Uncommon
Gnome woman421Uncommon
Mounted terrorbird gnome46; 531Uncommon
Gnome troop44; 47unknownUnknown


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