RuneScape Wiki

Battle-mage boots detail

Battle-mage boots are part of the battle-mage armour set. They require 85 Magic, Strength, and Defence to wear, but not to obtain. They may be received after winning a game of Pest Control - an interface will appear from which one of the three hybrid armour boots can be chosen. The chance of receiving the boots is increased if more games are won, and they can only be received if there is space in your inventory. It can also be bought from Stanley Limelight for 700 thaler. The boots normally give no bonuses and are cosmetic, but in Castle Wars, Soul Wars, Fist of Guthix and TzHaar Fight Pit, they do. The entire set gives a 15% damage bonus while playing those minigames, but it does not stack with the Castle Wars armour sets. The boots do not give bonuses in pest control.

Note: If you accidentally click on the gangplank you will close the interface. However, you will not be allowed to board the lander without answering another prompt, which asks if you are sure that you want to leave without claiming a reward.

Combat Stats
RequirementsBattle-mage armour equipped
85 Defence 85 Magic 85 Strength
CombatSwords HybridFeet slot
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour109PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses


  • Upon obtaining a pair of battle-mage boots, the Adventurer's Log reads:
    I found a pair of battle-mage boots.
    While playing Pest Control, I found a pair of battle-mage boots.