RuneScape Wiki
Battle for the Ritual Site
Ritual plateau
The ritual plateau, where a part of the battle is presumed to have taken place.
Gielinorian God Wars
Early Third Age
The North
Saradominist victory; sealing of Nex
Saradominist warriors Zarosian warriors
Unknown Nex, Fumus, Umbra, Cruor, Glacies
Unknown amount of humans, possibly Icyene Unknown amount of ancient warriors, archers and magi
Unknown Unknown
Previous battle
Next battle
6th Ritual of Rejuvenation

The Battle for the Ritual Site is the unofficial name given to a large battle in the North that took place shortly after the beginning of the God Wars. It broke out when a Saradominist army attacked that of the monstrous general Nex, who was aiming to secure the Mahjarrat ritual site in the name of Zaros. Though outnumbered, the Zarosian forces were more powerful than the Saradominist ones.

God Wars Dungeon temple

The Temple of Lost Ancients, erected after the battle.

Eventually, however, Nex and her army were lured into an icy cave because she was deemed undefeatable and the Zarosians were locked inside the prison, ending the battle. Afterwards, the Temple of Lost Ancients was built over it to mark Saradomin's victory.

Over three millennia later, the area would become the site of the Battle for the Godsword and Nex would be released from her prison due to the involvement of the Zarosian Mahjarrat Sliske before being imprisoned once more by a joint effort of four warring gods. In 169 of the Fifth Age, tectonic activity caused the temple, which had been frozen by the Guthixian mage Aeternam during the god of balance's campaign to end the God Wars, to thaw, once again unlocking the Ancient Prison.
