Every week throughout the Battle of Lumbridge world event, players can spend their votes accumulated through contributing divine tears. Votes are used to decide the outcome of chosen buffs and reinforcements for the following week. Votes not spent in the previous week will carry over to the following week. 10 divine tears are equivalent to 1 vote.
Buffs provide a boost to the faction (such as more damage to the enemy, or less damage from the enemy), and the chosen buff will be displayed in the battle HUD. Reinforcements to the battlefield will be in the form of more powerful enemies providing additional benefits to the faction.
The voting officially ended at the beginning of week 10.
Final results of votes[]
Result for Saradomin | Result for Zamorak |
Buffs | |
Damage to the enemy faction is buffed by 10%.
Damage to the enemy faction is buffed by 10%.
Chance to spawn an additional special unit.
Increase the effect of the special abilities of special units, for your faction, by 50%.
Increase divine tears gained from the battlefield by 5%.
Increase divine tears gained from the battlefield by 5%.
Add a 5% discount to rewards purchased from the shop.
Add a 5% discount to rewards purchased from the shop.
Reinforcements | |
The Saradominist champion joins the battlefield.
The Zamorakian champion joins the battlefield.
The Saradominist prideleader joins the battle.
The Zamorakian butcher demon joins the battle.
List of votes[]
Vote 1: Damage buff vs Defence buff[]
Question | |
Vote to choose which buff you will receive when doing battle with the rival faction's minions.
| |
Options | |
Damage dealt to rival faction's minions is increased by 10%.
| |
Damage received from rival faction's minions is decreased by 15%.
| |
Result for Saradomin | Result for Zamorak |
Damage to the enemy faction is buffed by 10%.
Damage to the enemy faction is buffed by 10%.
Vote 2: Hero units vs Siege units[]
Question | |
New minions will be brought into the battlefield. Which would you like to see?
| |
Options | |
Heroes - 50% chance of spawning and have 50% more lifepoints than normal minions. Provide a small healing buff to allied players nearby.
| |
Siege units - 10% chance of spawning and deal 100% more damage. Bombard the battlefield harming enemy units and players.
| |
Result for Saradomin | Result for Zamorak |
The Saradominist champion joins the battlefield.
The Zamorakian champion joins the battlefield.
Vote 3: Spawn buff vs Ability buff[]
Question | |
Vote to choose which buff your faction's special units will receive.
| |
Options | |
Chance to spawn an additional special unit.
| |
Increase the effect of the special abilities of special units, for your faction, by 50%.
| |
Result for Saradomin | Result for Zamorak |
Chance to spawn an additional special unit.
Increase the effect of the special abilities of special units, for your faction, by 50%.
Vote 4: Siege units vs Elite units[]
- Voting period: 26 August – 9 September
- Week: 6 – 7
Question | |
New minions will be brought into the battlefield. Which would you like to see?
| |
Options | |
Siege units - 10% chance of spawning and deal 100% more damage. Bombard the battlefield harming enemy units and players.
| |
Elite units - 25% chance of spawning and deal 200% more damage than normal units including 200% more lifepoints. Additionally they have an AoE stun attack to disrupt enemy players.
| |
Result for Saradomin | Result for Zamorak |
The Saradominist prideleader joins the battle.
The Zamorakian butcher demon joins the battle.
Vote 5: Battlefield tears vs Off-battlefield tears[]
- Voting period: 9 September – 16 September
- Week: 8
Question | |
Vote to choose which buff you faction will receive towards earning divine tears.
| |
Options | |
Increase divine tears gained from the battlefield by 5%.
| |
Increase divine tears gained from outside the battlefield by 5%.
| |
Result for Saradomin | Result for Zamorak |
Increase divine tears gained from the battlefield by 5%.
Increase divine tears gained from the battlefield by 5%.
Vote 6: Discount vs Rare drops[]
- Voting period: 16 September – 23 September
- Week: 9
Question | |
Vote to choose which buff you receive towards gaining rewards from this event.
| |
Options | |
Add a 5% discount to rewards purchased from the shop.
| |
Increase the chance of receiving a rare drop from the battlefield by 5%.
| |
Result for Saradomin | Result for Zamorak |
Add a 5% discount to rewards purchased from the shop.
Add a 5% discount to rewards purchased from the shop.